> -----Original Message-----
> From: Schramm, Martin 
> 1) How can I change the section title (of third level sections) in our
> FO output from e.g. "1.1.1." to "Rule 1.1.1." ? 

Something like the following seems to be what you need:

 <xsl:template match="sect3|section[count(ancestor::section) = 2]"
   <xsl:text>Rule %n %t</xsl:text>

This is a customization of a template in common/gentext.xsl. It outputs
"Rule", label, and title separated by spaces (and without a trailing period
after the label).

> 2) Is there a parameter to erase the last number separator, 
> so "1.1.1."
> will become " 1.1.1" ?

See also


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