Please tell us more about your environment. What version of the xslts?
What output format? And so on.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 11:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: [docbook-apps] colspec & colwidth in informaltable
> Is there any special I need to do to get the colwidth 
> attribute to colspec to be processed?  No matter what I set 
> it to be, I get the same widths. 
> Here's a snippet:
>     <informaltable pgwide="1">
>       <tgroup cols="3" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
>         <colspec colnum="1" colname="c1" colwidth="2*"/>
>         <colspec colnum="2" colname="c2" colwidth="1*"/>
>         <colspec colnum="3" colname="c3" colwidth="5*"/>
>         <thead>
> I've tried it with '*' for proportional widths, inches, 
> nothing seems to work.
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