Thanks Justin.

I am assuming that you have specific stylesheets to handle the "MathML" role?

Dean Nelson

In a message dated 10/20/08 23:45:34 Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Here's a real-world example, copied (almost) straight from one of my 

     <textobject role="tex"> 
         P(k \textrm{ heads in } n \textrm{ flips}) \;=\; 
         {n \choose k} p^k (1 - p)^{n-k} 
     <textobject role="MathML"> 
       <xi:include href="texmath/1775461169.xml"/> 

I validate this "shallowly" through nxml-mode within emacs using my 
own RelaxNG customization on top of docbook-rng-4.5/docbook.rnc which 
essentially mixes in xinclude in strategic places, and includes 
mathml2 in a way consistent (I think) with the official DocBook 4.5 
MathML extension. For "deep" validation I use "xmllint --nonet --noout 
--xinclude --postvalid ...". 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 15:12:44 EDT: 

> All, 
> In my application, I need to do both PDF and HTML. I would like to do it 
> similar to a mediaobject and use "role" to differentiate the processign path 
> needed. 
> <equation> 
>    <mediaobject> 
>        <imageobject role="html"> .....</imageobject> 
>        <textobject role="pdf">  **include the MML file ***  </textobject> 
>    </mediaobject> 
> </equation> 
> Something like that. But what is the preferred way of including MathML in a 
> mediaobject? Or is there a more sane manner in which to go about this task? 

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