Hi Jacques,

yes, I have this working with 1.74.0 and XEP 4.13. Do you have the font-alias also set up in the xep.xml file? Otherwise, I'm not sure what the problem would be.

Best regards,

Scott Hudson
Senior XML Architect

Vision. Experience. Engineering Excellence.

Jacques Foucry wrote:
On 5 déc. 08, at 23:38, Scott Hudson wrote:

I have font variants working via XEP:
           <xsl:when test="@role='smallcaps'">
               <fo:inline font-variant="small-caps">
                   <xsl:call-template name="inline.charseq"/>

The caveat, is that I did have to install a font that had small-caps and add the support for it in the xep.xml config:

    <font-family name="Fontin" embed="true">
           <font><font-data ttf="Fontin-Regular.ttf"/></font>
<font style="italic"><font-data ttf="Fontin-Italic.ttf"/
<font weight="bold"><font-data ttf="Fontin-Bold.ttf"/></ font> <font variant="small-caps"><font-data ttf="Fontin- SmallCaps.ttf"/></font>

<font-alias name="small-caps" value="Fontin"/>

I exactly do the same ( but with Goudy Old Style font) and it used to work with stylesheet version but it seems broken with 1.7.4. :-(

     <font-family name="Goudy Old Style" embed="true">
         <font-data ttf="GoudyOldStyle/Goudy Old Style.ttf"/>
       <font weight="bold">
         <font-data ttf="GoudyOldStyle/Goudy Old Style Bold.ttf"/>
       <font style="italic">
         <font-data ttf="GoudyOldStyle/Goudy Old Style Italic.ttf"/>
       <font variant="small-caps">
         <font-data ttf="GoudyOldStyle/Goudy-SC.ttf"/>

Did it work for you with 1.7.4 DocBook stylesheet version ?


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