Camille Bégnis <> writes:
> My opinion on the subject is that we should try listing the cases (like
> /section/info/title) why the first step is required.
> And then see if the schema could not be simplified to make that first
> step unnecessary.

I haven't reviewed all the things that normalization does recently,
but the info/title case arises from a desire to make life easier for

If all you need on a section is a title (and/or subtitle and
titleabbrev), being required to put in the info wrapper is a burden
that I don't think authors would appreciate.

But if you want title, pubdate, author, copyright, etc. then you do
have to put in the info wrapper.

At least in DocBook V5.0, you can only have the title in one place or
the other. In earlier versions of DocBook, it was schema-valid to have
multiple titles (that might not necessarily be the same).

> I have found that this kind of choice is often confusing for the end
> user (the writer). Notwithstanding the processing issues. You can very
> well decide to process differently /section/info/title and
> /section/title while they are theoretically the same "thing" according
> to the schema...

You could decide that, but it would be wrong :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <>      | The human race consists of the | dangerously insane and such as are
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | not.--Mark Twain

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