On 8/1/2011 3:45 AM, Markus Hoenicka wrote:
I assume that dblatex and/or teTeX do not have any provisions to handle
UTF-8 encoded XML files automagically. This may be the point where my
problems started.

Dunno about teTeX, but dblatex is fine with UTF-8--we use it that way exclusively, and then use XeLaTeX (a Unicode-aware version of LaTeX) to process the resulting file.

I'm currently using two non-Unicode fonts that still have all required
glyphs. It required a bit of testing though, but many fonts actually
have a full set of greek characters and those few symbols that my
document uses.

If you're using non-Unicode fonts, then you'll need LaTeX rather than XeLaTeX. I'm not sure how (or whether) dblatex handles the conversion in that case--it wouldn't be something a standard encoding converter could handle, because you'd have to convert the non-ASCII (or at least non-ISO) characters into some kind of LaTeX commands, I imagine. I've never tried that.
        Mike Maxwell
        "My definition of an interesting universe is
        one that has the capacity to study itself."
        --Stephen Eastmond

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