The window for sending in an application for the Google Summer of Code 2012 has 
opened and applications will be accepted between now and March 9.

Stefan Seefeld and I have volunteered to be co-administrators for the DocBook 
project, with XML Press (my company) as the organizational contact.

To create a winning application, we need to have mentors who are willing to 
participate in the project.

If you think you might be interested, please head over to There's information about the program, pointers to 
Google's information about the program, and a place to sign up to be a mentor 
(if you aren't already signed up to edit the wiki, please register; it only 
takes a moment). You can also add ideas for projects to the projects page in 
the wiki.

If you have any questions, feel free to send email to me or Stefan.

We will be assembling the application between now and March 5, and if we have 
enough mentors to apply (3-4 should suffice), we will update the wiki and let 
the community review the application before it is submitted.

Best Regards,
Dick Hamilton
XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators
(970) 231-3624

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