Thanks for trying (again) Ben.
When I miss the proper filename for the bibliography file, I get a warning in the xlstlog file. I do NOT get this warning when I hit the right name. This fact combined with the fact that the browser renders the bibliography file as a tree structure when I take the url from the error message, and ask the browser to display it, tells me that the error must be somewhere else.

Niels Muller Larsen, MSc
Programmer, Assoc Professor

Portability should be the default.
             -- Larry Wall in <>

On 05/06/15 10:13, Kallauch, Benjamin (EEIN) wrote:
Hi Niels,

Despite using a totally different software setup, I made also some tests. There 
is maybe one hint: If I was renaming the referenced bibliography file (so the 
system could not find it anymore), I got the same error message:

file:///foo/docbook-xsl-1.78.1/fo/biblio.xsl; Zeilennummer234; Spaltennummer24; 
No bibliography entry: Doy10 found in file:///foo/bibliography2play.xml

Even if I have no solution for you, I think it is a kind of URI lookup failure.
Maybe this hint is partly helpful for you.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Niels Müller []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Mai 2015 20:35
Betreff: [docbook-apps] Bibliography in DocBook5, continued problems

A month ago I tried airing my bilbiography problem here, but none of the
few answers gave me *the* hint to a solution. Let me try again:

I create course materials from several docbook.xml files with a
biliography at the end. My books are in a bibliography file and
referenced in the material through a bibliography file with empty
elements in it. Used to work. Now it doesn't.
I have played with various ways of doing the ref to the actual file.
My customization has:


A fragment of the document bilbiography file:

      <bibliomixed id="Xue14"/>
      <bibliomixed id="yan09"/>
      <bibliomixed id="DKnuth86">Donald E. Knuth. <citetitle>Computers and
Typesetting: Volume B, TeX: The Program</citetitle>. Addison-Wesley,
1986.  ISBN 0-201-13437-3.

The bibliography file with all the books has (fragment)

    <bibliomixed id="Xue14">
          <surname>Xue</surname>, <firstname>Qiang</firstname>
      </author>, et al.
      <citetitle>The Definitive Guide to Yii 2.0</citetitle>.
      <publishername>Yii Software LLC</publishername>,

The generated output has (fragment)

[Xue14] Error: no bibliography entry: Xue14 found in

[yan09] Error: no bibliography entry: yan09 found in

[DKnuth86] Donald E. Knuth. Computers and Typesetting: Volume B, TeX:
The Program. Addison-Wesley, 1986. ISBN 0-201-13437-3.

If I take the file statement from file:///home/nml/.docbook/biblio.xml
into my browser it displays the tree structure of the file, so the file
does exist :)

My makefile:

                  rm -rf site
                  mkdir site
                  xmllint --noent --xinclude \
                                  module.xml > /tmp/docbresolved.xml \
                  xsltproc \
                                  --output site/ \
                                  docbook.xsl \
                                  /tmp/docbresolved.xml \
                                  2>./errlogxslt && \
                  tar czf site.tgz site/*
                  echo "site.tgz ready for deployment"

My software

nml1 webdev  $ xmllint --version
xmllint: using libxml version 20902
     compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1
FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv
ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Expr Schemas Schematron Modules Debug
Zlib Lzma
nml1 webdev  $
nml1 webdev  $
nml1 webdev  $ xsltproc --version
Using libxml 20902, libxslt 10128 and libexslt 817
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20901, libxslt 10128 and libexslt 817
libxslt 10128 was compiled against libxml 20901
libexslt 817 was compiled against libxml 20901
nml1 webdev  $

The stylesheets


Everything works beautifully except the bib.
It's driving me crazy. please help.

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