I'm trying to include a section from one document into another document.

In the source file, the xi:include is:

<xi:include href="ref_config_object_json.xml" xpointer=
"config-obj-dashboard" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; />

This resolves correctly in the XML editor.

When I try to build the document (we use the Docbkx Maven plugin), the
build fails, with the following error:

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId:
lineNumber: 192; columnNumber: 128; Include operation failed, reverting to
fallback. Resource error reading file as XML
(href='ref_config_object_json.xml'). Reason: XPointer resolution

Error on line 192 column 128 of

Error reported by XML parser: An 'include' failed, and no 'fallback'
element was found.

Error on line 62 column 90 of

  Error reported by XML parser: Error attempting to parse XML file

Error on line 174 column 68 of

  Error reported by XML parser: Error attempting to parse XML file

After looking at the DocBook docs, I tried adding a DOCTYPE entry with the
DTD, but that didn't work either.

So is this xpointer syntax just not supported in this case? Or am I just
missing some other setting?



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