I downloaded again, and in comparison, you are right they differ. The original 
has windows style EOL, the one I have has UNIX style EOL, so it must have been 
saved in an editor on my system. That is strange to say the least, but I'm 
going to unpack a pristine copy and see what happens.
----- Original Message -----From: Bob Stayton <b...@sagehill.net>To: 
stim...@comcast.net, Docbook <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>Sent: Sat, 18 
Feb 2017 00:10:10 -0000 (UTC)Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] <programlisting 
linenumbering="numbered"> does not number...

Well, that's odd. I just downloaded a fresh copy of docbook-xsl-ns-1.79.1.zip, 
unzipped it, and looked in docbook-xsl-ns-1.79.1/fo/highlight.xsl, and the only 
xsl:import is on line 19:

<xsl:import href="../highlighting/common.xsl"/>

The distribution does contain a highlighting/ini-hl.xml file, but it is 
referenced only in highlighting/xslthl-config.xml.

Is it possible someone has edited your stylesheet files?

Bob StaytonSagehill enterprisesb...@sagehill.net

On 2/17/2017 3:09 PM, stim...@comcast.net wrote:> Hi,>> This gets me a step 
further, but it looks like the docbook-xsl-ns-1.79.1> is missing part of what 
it needs. In "*fo/highlight.xsl*", line 21,> there is this import:> <xsl:import 
href="../highlighting/ini-hl.xsl"/>>> This file is missing and not part of the 
docbook 1.79.1 source> code..."ini-hl.xsl" does not exist (the ".xml" version 
exists, but xsl> is not there). The import is a relative path and so it looks 
like the> file was intended to be part of the 1.79.1 files, but got excluded. 
Is> there somewhere else I could download this? I have a separate download> of 
xslthl-2.1.3, but this does not contain ini-hl.xsl (this too contains> only 
ini-hl.xml).>> Incidentally, the same is true for other xsl files for each 
highlight> language, e.g., bourne-hl.xml exists, but had build not aborted from 
the> missing ini-hl.xsl, bourne-hl.xsl is also missing and would have been> the 
next file in the list of languages to be missing.>> Thanks!>> ----- Original 
Message -----> From: Bob Stayton <b...@sagehill.net>> To: stim...@comcast.net, 
Docbook <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>> Sent: Fri, 17 Feb 2017 18:26:03 
-0000 (UTC)> Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] <programlisting 
linenumbering="numbered">> does not number...> To clarify, the chapter in Norm 
Walsh's> http://tdg.docbook.org/tdg/5.1/ch05.html is about customizing the> 
*schema* for DocBook, not the stylesheet. Information on customizing> the 
stylesheet for DocBook 5 can be found here:> 
http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/CustomDb5Xsl.html> Specifically for your 
case, you can create a simple customization layer> by creating a file with this 
content:> <?xml version="1.0"?>> <xsl:stylesheet> 
xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook";> exclude-result-prefixes="d"> 
version="1.0">> <xsl:import href="path-to/docbook-xsl-ns/fo/docbook.xsl"/>> 
<xsl:import href="path-to/docbook-xsl-ns/fo/highlight.xsl"/>> <xsl:param 
name="highlight.source" select="1"/>> </xsl:stylesheet>> And then referencing 
this file in your java command instead of> ${XSLT}/fo/docbook.xsl.> Since you 
are using DocBook 5, I assume you are using the namespaced> version of the 
stylesheets, the one with "ns" in the directory name. If> not, I suggest you do 
so as it will be more efficient.> You can put other param settings and any 
other customizations in this file.> Bob Stayton> Sagehill Enterprises> 
b...@sagehill.net> On 2/15/2017 11:23 AM, stim...@comcast.net wrote:>> Hi,>>>> 
I do not currently customize other than param.xsl and fop.xconf, and>> have 
never created a customization layer. So I currently have no>> xsl:import of 
docbook.xsl other than where it would occur in the>> non-customized DocBook 
5.1. Is this URL the correct information for the>> customization layer in the 
case of needing to import highlighting? I've>> not seen any xsl:import used in 
the context of this chapter so I may be>> completely wrong to look here:>> 
http://tdg.docbook.org/tdg/5.1/ch05.html>>>> Currently I assemble one large 
monolithic XML file via xmllint and>> xinclude (individual files are chapters, 
appendices, so on, in a>> <book>). This is passed to jing for testing against 
docbook.rng. This is>> turned into an fo file via:>> /usr/bin/java \>> 
-Dxslthl.config=file://${XSLTHL}/highlighters/xslthl-config.xml \>> 
com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet \>> -o ${OBJ}/${TITLE}_monolithic.fo \>> 
${OBJ}/${TITLE}_monolithic.xml \>> ${XSLT}/fo/docbook.xsl \>> 
use.extensions=1>>>> The resulting fo file is turned into PDF format through 
fop (and>> hopefully later other formats).>>>> Would I be replacing 
fo/docbook.xsl in the above Java command with a>> custom xsl file which does 
nothing but import docbook.xsl and then>> fo/highlight.xsl? I ask because the 
chapter on customization seems to be>> more about writing individual lines of 
RNG code for new definitions or>> editing definitions without ever showing any 
xsl:import...I'm thinking>> I'm looking at the wrong customization if I use 
chapter 5 of guide.>>>> Thanks!>>>> ----- Original Message ----->> From: Bob 
Stayton <b...@sagehill.net>>> To: stim...@comcast.net, Docbook 
<docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>>> Sent: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 16:43:03 -0000 
(UTC)>> Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] <programlisting linenumbering="numbered">>> 
does not number...>> Hi,>> No, it does not need to be specific to each 
language. The imports>> should look something like this in your customization 
layer, putting it>> after the import of the main docbook.xsl:>> <xsl:import 
href="some/path/to/docbook-xsl/fo/docbook.xsl"/>>> <xsl:import 
href="some/path/to/docbook-xsl/fo/highlight.xsl"/>>>>> Bob Stayton>> Sagehill 
Enterprises>> b...@sagehill.net>> On 2/15/2017 6:08 AM, stim...@comcast.net 
wrote:>>> Hi,>>>>>> I see by default in fo/highlighting.xsl (I'm using fo):>>> 
<xsl:import href="../highlighting/common.xsl"/>>>>>>> My XSL knowledge is 
minimal, but if for example I'm using bourne as the>>> language, do I need to 
import something specific to bourne? The README>>> has a note about importing, 
but it isn't clear what the intended import>>> file is.>>>>>> Thanks!>>>>>> 
----- Original Message ----->>> From: Bob Stayton <b...@sagehill.net>>>> To: 
stim...@comcast.net, Docbook <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>>>> Sent: Wed, 
15 Feb 2017 00:08:07 -0000 (UTC)>>> Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] <programlisting 
linenumbering="numbered">>>> does not number...>>> I followed the instructions 
in my book for syntax highlighting, and it>>> did not work. I know it worked 
when I wrote it, because I tested>>> everything before I included it.>>> It 
turns out that my book documents the 1.73.1 version of the>>> stylesheets, and 
the highlighting was changed in version 1.74.3. Now>>> your customization layer 
needs to use xsl:import on the appropriate>>> highlight.xsl file, such 
fo/highlight.xsl. When I added that, syntax>>> highlighting worked for me.>>> 
The highlighting/README file in the distribution provided that crucial>>> bit 
of information. I'm currently updating my book and will include>>> this 
change.>>> Bob Stayton>>> Sagehill Enterprises>>> b...@sagehill.net>>> On 
2/11/2017 12:42 PM, stim...@comcast.net wrote:>>>> Hi,>>>>>>>> From the link on 
Saxon plus other information I put together the>>>> simplest test case (which 
sort of works). The command is essentially>>>> this (other commands validate 
the XML with jing and xmllint before>>>> calling Saxon):>>>> 
CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH};\>>>> java \>>>> 
-Dxslthl.config=${XSLTHL}/highlighters/xslthl-config.xml \>>>> 
com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet \>>>> -o ${OBJ}/${TITLE}_monolithic.fo \>>>> 
${OBJ}/${TITLE}_monolithic.xml \>>>> ${XSLT}/fo/docbook.xsl \>>>> 
use.extensions=1>>>>>>>> This does enable line numbering in programlisting 
tags, and options>>>> related to numbering do as expected. However, in 
attempting to get the>>>> syntax highlighting to work (see>>>> 
http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/SyntaxHighlighting.html) nothing I've>>>> 
tried has any effect (test cases were with "bourne" and "ini" files).>>>>>>>> 
The CLASSPATH contains the following files, and no error occurs (for the>>>> 
sake of brevity I'm showing only the relative paths, but the full path>>>> is 
used without error in the actual Makefile):>>>>>>>>>> 
 Since I get no errors, and because the Saxon processing is otherwise>>>> 
working, is there any additional requirement to keep syntax highlighting>>>> 
from failing as if the option did not exist? Is syntax highlighting>>>> 
something which maybe requires the Xalan parser? Is there perhaps>>>> something 
from param.xsl which needs to change and not mentioned in the>>>> above URL on 
syntax highlighting?>>>>>>>> Thanks!>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----->>>> 
From: Richard Hamilton <hamil...@xmlpress.net>>>>> To: stim...@comcast.net>>>> 
Cc: Docbook <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>>>>> Sent: Sat, 11 Feb 2017 
00:50:21 -0000 (UTC)>>>> Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] <programlisting 
linenumbering="numbered">>>>> does not number...>>>> Hi,>>>> Here is the link 
to the part of Bob&rsquo;s book that covers the Saxon>>> processor:>>>> 
http://sagehill.net/docbookxsl/InstallingAProcessor.html#InstallSaxon>>>> I 
think you can keep the xmllint processing as is (I use it for XInclude>>>> 
processing, too), and just swap in saxon for xsltproc, using Bob&rsquo;s>>>> 
instructions.>>>> I don&rsquo;t bother swapping in Xerces (I don&rsquo;t use 
any of the features that>>>> go beyond what Saxon supports).>>>> Best 
regards,>>>> Dick>>>> ------->>>> XML Press>>>> XML for Technical 
Communicators>>>> http://xmlpress.net>>>> hamil...@xmlpress.net>>>>> On Feb 10, 
2017, at 12:26, stim...@comcast.net wrote:>>>>>>>>>> Hi,>>>>>>>>>> I was going 
by this reference as to requirements, and have not read>>>> the whole book 
(thus I did not yet see the Java requirement):>>>>> 
http://tdg.docbook.org/tdg/5.1/programlisting.html>>>>>>>>>> Admittedly I'm 
trying to do something quicker than I should and not>>>> reading everything 
(I've been through a lot of material, but it's just a>>>> drop in the bucket 
for everything needed when I really just need to sit>>>> down and write 
content). I've had some frustrations getting the>>>> Java-based processors 
working and have tried to stick to the>>>> xmllint/jing/xsltproc family for 
that single reason. The Java-based>>>> processing answer likely also answers my 
earlier syntax highlighting>>>> question about whether to abandon my current 
approach with xmllint.>>>>>>>>>> To use Saxon or Xalan I would have to change 
the current build scheme,>>>> which I've never succeeded at:>>>>> xmllint 
--output "${OBJ}/${TITLE}_monolithic.xml" --nonet --noent>>>> -xinclude 
"${CONTENT}/${TITLE}.xml">>>>> xsltproc --output ${OBJ}/${TITLE}_monolithic.fo 
${XSLT}/docbook.xsl>>>> ${OBJ}/${TITLE}_monolithic.xml>>>>> fop -c 
${PREFIX}/fop.xconf -fo ${OBJ}/${TITLE}_monolithic.fo -pdf>>>> 
${OUT}/${TITLE}.pdf>>>>>>>>>> I realize I'm probably asking a lot, but is there 
any advice I can get>>>> on editing that chain of commands to instead work with 
Saxon or Xalan?>>>> Getting past the tools on the command line (for a hand 
written Makefile)>>>> is just getting frustrating and is why the current chain 
of commands>>>> have never evolved to anything Java-based.>>>>>>>>>> I do plan 
on reading more (I'm not resisting reading), but there are>>>> other 
requirements which tend to require at least a draft to be>>>> available sooner 
rather than later.>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message 
----->>>>> From: Bob Stayton <b...@sagehill.net>>>>>> To: stim...@comcast.net, 
Docbook <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>>>>>> Sent: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 
19:09:00 -0000 (UTC)>>>>> Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] <programlisting 
linenumbering="numbered">>>>> does not number...>>>>> Hi,>>>>> Did you read 
this section in my online book about line numbering? It>>>>> only works with 
Java-based processors.>>>>> Bob Stayton>>>>> Sagehill Enterprises>>>>> 
b...@sagehill.net>>>>> On 2/10/2017 11:01 AM, stim...@comcast.net wrote:>>>>> > 
Hi,>>>>> >>>>>> > Under DocBook 5.1 I've been able to list programs, but line 
numbering>>>>> > has no effect (and there is no error under xmllint or jing). 
Is there>>>>> > some ENTITY or other precondition required for line numbering 
under>>> 5.1?>>>>> >>>>>> > Thanks!>> 
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