Thanks Norm.
   It's the fear of losing it all that holds me back.

Agree with your logic. Good for thousands (hard to index)
Less so for hundreds (I use db indexing)

Also agree with the backup (in either case).

I'd hate to have the data in a corrupt database....


On 5 April 2018 at 16:59, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> Dave Pawson <> writes:
>> What use cases are there for dropping a few hundred
>> XML files into a (purpose built for XML) database?
> I put XML in a database for the ability to index and search it,
> primarily. Here’s a screenshot of my personal “evernote clone” that
> stores a combination of XML and other formats.
> The documents that contained the word DocBook (stemmed appropriately,
> so DocBooking and DocBooked, if they were words, would also have
> matched) are found quickly. The facets are constructed from other
> fields in the those documents.
> The ability to quickly search and use indexes to build facets allows
> me to make an application that would be more difficult without a
> database.
>>  I can see a risk (db failure) above the file system
>> failure risks.
> Backups. You want to have backups!
>> Has anyone done that assessment and decided in
>> favour of a database over the file system?
> For a few hundred documents, it’s probably hard to make a compelling
> argument for a database unless you want to build applications like the
> one I described above.
> For a few hundred thousand documents, ti’s probably hard to make a
> compelling case for the filesystem.
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> --
> Norman Walsh <> | The finest amusements are the most
>            | pointless ones.--Jacques Chardonne

Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

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