Hello everyone,

I'm using the DocBook XSL to transform DocBook XML to EPUB and HTML.

We use these templates in our customization layer to make our HTML output more 

  <xsl:template match="docbook:partintro">
    <aside xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; class="partintro">

  <xsl:template match="docbook:partintro/docbook:title">
    <h3 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>

Until now this worked out fine, but last week we noticed that when there is a 
footnote in the partintro, it isn't rendered correctly in the output. We see a 
number in the text, but when we click it, it displays the wrong text and the 
footnote text isn't displayed below the text. If we disable the first template, 
it works. However, we then see a lot of extra generic div's and the partintro 
title is rendered as a h1, and then a second time as a h3.

Is there a way we can keep using our templates, and get the footnotes to work? 
Or is it a bad idea to transform the partintro to an aside? In that case, what 
would be the best method to change the h1 to h3 in the partintro title?

Thanks in advance,

Kind regards,


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