I have created a pdf of a book written in  LaTeX successfully using XeLaTeX, 
which uses open type fonts on my MAC  computer.

I tried to replicate this using Oxygen XML on a similar docbook by copying the 
docbook to PDF transformation scenario but modifying it by clicking the 
“configure parameter” button and changing 
body.font.family=“Times New Roman, Arial Unicode MS, Tahoma, Batang, serif”

To body.font.family=“DTL Valiance TPRO, Arial Unicode MS, Tahoma, Batang, 
The pdf generated uses DTL Valiance TPRO bold instead of the regular font. The 
same was true of DTL Documenta.
I thought it might be just this font agency, so I tried this with several other 
fonts and all generated mismatched fonts.
Baskerville 10 gave italic, as did Cala and Trinite No2. A few worked, like 
Iowan Old Style BT Pro.

How might I modify the transformation to correct this issue? Thanks.

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