> -----Original Message-----
> / Jorge Godoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
> | > There are three schools of thought on this issue:
> | >
> | > 1. Figures (and other block-ish) things should appear in paras.
> | > 2. Figures should not appear in paras.
> | > 3. Figures should appear in paras only if they are part of the
> | >    paragraph from a semantic point  of view.
> <para>In the following figure, note the red widget:
> <figure><title>Blah, blah, blah</title>
> ...
> </figure>
> When you turn the handle to the left, you must move the widget out
> of the way or you'll break the sprocket. Replacing the sprocket is
> a difficult procedure that involves general anesthetic and a Tesla
> Coil.</para>
> This happens more frequently with examples and equations,
> perhaps, than figures.

Equations are almost always part of the flow of text.

> If you don't want to have the figure in the
> paragraph, I think
> it's important to rewrite the text. I think this is really ugly:
> <para>In the following figure, note the red widget:</para>
> <figure><title>Blah, blah, blah</title>
> ...
> </figure>
> <para>When you turn the handle to the left, you must move the
> widget out
> of the way or you'll break the sprocket. Replacing the sprocket is
> a difficult procedure that involves general anesthetic and a Tesla
> Coil.</para>

So do I. When I have been unable to put a figure in the flow of text in
LaTeX I put it either before or after the paragraph.

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