There's been a fair amount of discussion about how to make DocBook
more help-friendly. Since we don't seem to be making a lot of progress
in the absence of a concrete proposal, attached is my first draft of a
concrete proposal. There, now there's something to throw rocks at. :-)

Why are we doing this:

1. Because help documentation is less book-like and more topic-oriented
   than DocBook appears to be.
2. Because there are other motivations for a "topic" wrapper even within
   book-oriented documentation.
3. As a side benefit, I think this proposal makes it possible to write
   task-oriented documentation (e.g., in the DITA architecture) independent
   of the specific help context. (This is just speculation, I haven't
   done any study on this point.)

What's the plan:

The overall plan is to allow people to author "Help Sets" using all of
the rich technical structure of DocBook without shoe-horning it into
the classical print book model.

How does it work:

I've added three new elements:

  HelpSet - peer to Set, this is a set of HelpProjects.
  HelpProject - peer to Book, this is a set of Topics.
  Topic - an individual topic, recursively allowing sub-topics.

In addition, Topic is allowed in Chapters at the same level as, for
example, Section and Sidebar.

Here's a customization layer that implements this proposal (a few PEs
should be renamed, this is just a draft proposal). Comments, please.

<!ENTITY % local.divcomponent.mix "|topic">

<!ENTITY % docbook PUBLIC "-//OASIS/DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"

<!ELEMENT helpset ((%div.title.content;)?, helpsetinfo?, toc?, helpproject+,

<!ATTLIST helpset

<!ELEMENT helpproject ((%div.title.content;)?, helpprojectinfo?,
                (toc | glossary | topic)*)>

<!ATTLIST helpproject

<!ENTITY % topic.title.content "%sect.title.content;">
<!ENTITY % topic.nav.class "toc|index|glossary %local.nav.class;">
<!ELEMENT topic (topicinfo?,

<!ATTLIST topic

<!ELEMENT helpsetinfo ((graphic | mediaobject | legalnotice | modespec 
        | subjectset | keywordset | itermset | %bibliocomponent.mix;)+)>

<!ATTLIST helpsetinfo

<!ELEMENT helpprojectinfo ((graphic | mediaobject | legalnotice | modespec 
        | subjectset | keywordset | itermset | %bibliocomponent.mix;)+)>

<!ATTLIST helpprojectinfo

<!ELEMENT topicinfo ((graphic | mediaobject | legalnotice | modespec 
        | subjectset | keywordset | itermset | %bibliocomponent.mix;)+)>

<!ATTLIST topicinfo

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | If today was a fish, I'd throw it | back in.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

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