Dave Pawson wrote:
 > At 08:00 13/08/2002, you wrote:
 >>"member" is missing in "Lists"
 > Mmmm. No its not (one view).
 > The 'Lists' is a list of 'types' of lists,
 > not  a list of what children are available?
 > Its to answer the question, I want to insert a list,
 > what type of lists are there in dbook.
 >   Unless you are using it differently ;-)

Three things:

a) "member" wasn't there at all

b) if "member" shouldn't be under "Lists", then "listitem" shouldn't
    be there either ;-)  aha, caught you!

c) after detecting that "member" is missing, I controlled its
    half-brothers: "varlistentry", "term" and "seglistitem" are missing
    too in the refcards


All this still applies to DTD 4.1.2

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