* Norman Walsh; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 16 Oct, 2002 wrote:
>| Objective in my opionion is a higher level element. <module>
>| <moduleinfo>
>| <title></title>
>| <objective>
>|         <orderedlist>
>|         <listitem> </listitem>
>|          <listitem> </listitem>
>|         <</orderedlist>
>| </moduleinfo>
>"Module" has awfully wide and varied connotations. What are you
>suggesting here? How does it relate to the 'exercise' markup discussion?

Well if I remember correctly the whole thread started with the
possibility of creating manuals for the Teacher and the Student. If I am
writing a manual for teaching use then there are modules for each
session. Every module has "objectives " to be covered in the session and
then during the session there are exerceises (Self tests). Once the
module is done then there can be Knowledge Reviews and Quizzes. While
Knowledge Reviews are self study quiz/exam are not. In Performance base
teaching "Objectives" are vital in preparing the Content and the
Questions (for exercies/Knowledge Reviews/Quizzes exams).

So my point is "Objective" should be a higher element ( should not be
nested in Exercise ) Module can be named anything on the top level. For
example Chapter is what I use for Modules currently. By saying "Module"
I was not trying to ask for addition of a new element. 

I just want "Objective" to be a higher element not stuck within the
"exercise" based on my understanding of "Performance Based Learning"

Hope I made myself clear this time


Togan Muftuoglu

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