Hello Mike, hello list,

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:  Michael Smith [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am:  Donnerstag, 28. November 2002 07:35
> Betreff:      DOCBOOK: Request for comments: adding a Fileoutput element
> (RFE 613293)
> The DocBook Technical Committee would like to ask for comments from
> readers of this list about a request for an enhancement to the DocBook
> DTD, RFE 613293, 'Generalize programlisting'[1], which proposes that the
> DTD be enhanced in some way to provide a 'semantically-precise way to
> wrap the contents of files that are not programs'.
>  1. add a new element (for example, 'Filecontents') with a 'class'
>     attribute and enumerated values to indicate what type of file
>     the marked-up content is from (for example, a program file, a config
>     file, a documentation file, etc.)[2]
        [Schlienger, Marc]  I find solution one the nicest, even if a new
element is added.

>  2. add a new attribute to Literallayout, with either 'filecontents' or
>     various filetypes being among its enumerated values[3].
        [Schlienger, Marc]  the disadvantage of this one isn't such a big
issue, don't you think? Subclassing for other files than programs should not
be so important for DocBook, since it is original purpose was to document
Software Documentation. There could simply be a generic attribute for all
kind of non-program related files. I could live with this one.

        We could come up to the question: why isn't there a more general
version of DocBook for standard documentation like reports, novels, etc.? I
believe many people are trying DocBook for these purposes, not only for
Software Doc. DocBook could be a specific type of this GeneralDocBook.

        Nevertheless, the main problem is that we start from the bottom,
trying to grasp the properties of more general stuff that was not expected
to be in DocBook.

>  3. do nothing; keep things just the way they are.
        [Schlienger, Marc]  At least, thinking about it, is good. You make a
good job!



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