On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 03:31:59AM EST, Jirka Kosek wrote:
> cga2000 wrote:
> > I started playing with DocBook over the weekend and while the "xmlto
> > html" and "xmlto html-nochunks" commands worked absolutely fine from the
> > word go, the generation of pdf (or ps) documents does not function
> > correctly.
> > 
> > It looks like I might be missing a LaTeX package or that LaTeX is not
> > correctly configured on my system.
> It seems that your xmlto script invokes PassiveTeX which is incomplete
> and unmaintained proof of concept XSL-FO engine built on top of TeX. You
> should use different FO processor, if you need free one than you can try
> FOP 0.93, although I don't have idea how to configure xmlto to use FOP
> instead of PassiveTeX.

Yes, that might be an issue. 

And obviously, since there is a bit of a learning curve with DocBook, I
would not want to spend too much time on installation/implementation

I am a little disappointed that DocBook does not run out of the box on
linux systems.  

Or maybe it is just debian?

Also, as a general remark, I am rather surprised that I seem to be the
only one posting to this mailing list.  


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