On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 06:09:21PM EST, Chris Chiasson wrote:
> How long are these text files?

One-pagers mostly.  Some a bit longer and some shorter.

But I'm not planning on any kind of mass-conversion.

The way I organized my documentation was that when I felt it was time to
document a particular topic, I created a subdirectory under ~/docs/ and
one or several files that roughly correspond to a Docbook "sect1". These
files usually contain a short preamble and a few "sect2" that focus on
one particular aspect. Where relevant there is alos an ending section
with references to useful documents discussing the same subject.

Since this was done one file at a time over a number of years, the whole
thing has become a bit of a structural mess and badly needs a facelift.

Once I've managed to put together a suitable document format and the
corresponding template, my intention is to use vim's copying/pasting
features in multi-window mode to save myself some typing.  

In other words, this is partly an excuse to acquire some hands-on
experience with DocBook and partly an opportunity to re-explore and
hopefully complement what I learned about various areas of the system.

It is definitely not the typical case where a system administrator needs
to quickly migrate a large database of documents written in some legacy
format to DocBook.

I initially intented to use a format loosely derived from what the linux
documentation project at tldp.org use for their howto's but I haven't
had much luck finding their DocBook sources and though I eventually
managed to subscribe to their more general user-oriented mailing list,
so far my attempts at posting have been unsuccessful. 

This is what has led me to post this rather vague question about a
DocBook "showcase", hoping someone on this list could point me to one or
two sites where I would be able to find examples of what can be done
with DocBook.

Sounded like a more effective approach than spending the next few months
trying to put together something from scratch.


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