See the following section from Bob Stayton's book about using a
hyphenation character (e.g. an arrow of some kind) to indicate that a
line in a programlisting has been broken for typographical reasons:


        From: [] 
        Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 2:25 PM
        Subject: [docbook] controlling the line length of programlisting

        Has anyone tried to use schematron to enforce the line length of
        We want to be able to limit the line-length of our
programlistings when we are authoring. 
        That is, we need to be informed when a line length in a
programlisting exceeds a number of characters (e.g., 72) 
        so that we can go in and format the lines properly. E.g., I'm
imagining that this would involve counting the number of characters
before a eol and then comparing 
        this number against the character limit (72). 
        If anyone has an alternative suggestion, that would be greatly
        Thank you, 

        Subject: Re: [docbook] prettyprinting code snippets 

        *       From: Hannes Magnusson <> 
        *       To: DavePawson <> 
        *       Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 12:59:31 +0200


        On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 19:01, DavePawson<>
        > Mauricio Tavares wrote:
        >>    I am writing a an article in which I am including quite a
few xml
        >> examples and snippets. I have been using <programlisting> but
was now
        >> wondering if there is a way I can prettyprint those snippets.
        > ONly if the code is well laid out in the first place?
        > I try to break lines at <= 70 chars to make sure
        > it fits on a screen.
        > If you want code highlighting etc.. sorry no.
        When the PHP documentations where using DocBook-XSL we used to
add a
        customization layer to add special "tags" around
<programlisting>, and
        then post process the output to syntax highlight and format
        (php, xml, ..).
        For example with <programlisting role="php"><?php..
        ?></programlisting> the customization layer would generate
        "<phpcode><?php.. ?></phpcode>" that was then post processed
        other applications.
        Currently we are using "PhD" (PHP based Docbook Renderer) which
        handles all these kinds of things :)

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