
Thanks very much for taking the time to review the rough cuts version of
the book. I will take a look at all of your comments, discuss them with
Norm, and do my best to address them.

Best Regards,

XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators
(970) 231-3624 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mauritz Jeanson [] 
> Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 2:41 PM
> To: 'Dick Hamilton'
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: [docbook] DocBook: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition
> |  -----Original Message-----
> |  From: Dick Hamilton 
> |
> |  Thanks for pointing out the Doc Requests in the tracker. I 
> |  have resolved 
> |  and closed all except 6 of the open requests in the 2nd 
> Edition. The
> |  ones that remain open are:
> |  
> |  1) Requests to add Simplified, Slides, and Website to the 
> |  document. We
> |  will probably add at least some mention of these variants, 
> |  but I'm not
> |  sure of the details, so I left them open.
> |  
> |  2) One request related to the errata page, which will need to be
> |  addressed after publication.
> |  
> |  3) Two requests related to examples that still need investigation.
> Hi Dick, 
> I hope you don't mind me submitting some more comments. The 
> comments apply
> to the Rough Cuts version of TDG available on Safari Books 
> Online (dated 19
> Nov 2009).
> * I think item 3) above definitely needs to be addressed. In 
> the reference
> part of the book, markup examples are still missing for many elements.
> Having at least one representative example for every element 
> would be very
> valuable. 
> * The element reference at 
> has a "Parents"
> section for each element with a list of all possible parents. This
> information is not available in the Rough Cuts version. 
> * The listings of Common Attributes and Common Linking Attributes are
> missing (page 73). 
> * The glossary contains several references to SGML and SGML 
> practices that
> are not relevant to DocBook 5. For example, see these entries: entity,
> exclusion, inclusion, parameter entity, processing instruction. 
> * The discussion about "pernicious mixed content" (page 167) 
> is about SGML
> parsers. AFAIK, this problem does not apply to XML and DocBook 5.
> * Many bibliography entries under "Books and Printed 
> Resources" in appendix
> B (page 498) are garbled in some way.
> * Appendix C discusses DTDs and SGML issues, but it says 
> nothing about RELAX
> NG schemas.
> Mauritz
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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