Hi folks,

This morning, I published an update to DocBook.org. The update moves a
bunch of stuff around, but hopefully loses nothing. I have added
redirects where I thought it was practical. Please report any problems
you find.

The updates are:

DocBook 5.1b6
DocBook Simplified 5.1b6-1
DocBook Website 5.1b6-1
DocBook Slides 5.1b6-1
DocBook HTML Forms 5.1b6-1

I've also published an update to DocBook TDG5.1 for DocBook 5.1b6.

The big changes that I can think of off the top of my head are broader
use of XLink and the new multimedia changes. I'll craft a better
change long for V.next, I promise.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com>      | We cannot put off living until we
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | are ready. The most salient
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | characteristic of life is its
                                   | coerciveness: it is always urgent,
                                   | 'here and now' without any
                                   | possible postponement. Life is
                                   | fired at us point blank.--José
                                   | Ortega Y Gasset

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