David Cramer <da...@thingbag.net> writes:
> While we're cracking things open, would it be possible to extend the
> element scheme [1] so you could do:
> <xi:include href="foo.xml" xpointer="element(someId/*)"/>
> Short of the full xpath support that was in the xpointer() scheme,
> that would provide a lot of benefit for a small change.

Many processors support the xpath() scheme which lets you do this, I

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com>      | To probe a hole we first use a
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | straight stick to see how far it
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | takes us. To probe the visible
                                   | world we use the assumption that
                                   | things are simple until they prove
                                   | to be otherwise.--E. H. Gombrich

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