Hello folks,

The second "candidate release" of DocBook V5.1 has been released. You
can get it from docbook.org


or through OASIS at


I've upgraded TDG5.1 to correspond to CR2. 

I haven't got the 5.1 spec built yet, but here's a summary of what's changed
since 5.0 based on my casual inspection of the repository commits:

* Attempt to address issue #303 by moving multimediaparam into the
  *data elements and allowing the *data elements to be repeated

* Added RDFa Lite attributes to DocBook; removed the dbrdfalite
  customization layer

* Fix issue #300 add a class to see/seealso to handle the 'under'

* Fix issue #277 add a result element

* Updated to support ITS 2.0

* Fixed error in indexterm content model

* Fix RFE 3547943 don't allow secondary without a primary in indexterm

* Fix RFE 3531365 allow navigation components at the beginnings of

* Fix RFE 3517981 remove spurious, duplicate 'other' value.

* Attempt to implement the whole proposal for accessability attributes
  in CALS tables

* Fix RFE 3530659 allow admonitions in formal objects

* Fix RFE 3571149 allow articles in sets

* Added scope attribute

* Added outputformat as an effectivity attribute

* Added AltGr and Return to keycap

* Rename @fileref to @href (in assemblies only)

* Fixed bug in Schematron assertions, thanks to Hussein Shafie

* Attempt to resolve RFE 3500814, add pgwide to informalexample and

* Make info on structure and module optional

* Implemented recent TC changes:

* Adopted the recent proposals to add attributes/parameters to audio
  and video objects

* Attempt to implement RFE #3368279, make content optional in
  components and sections

* Allow link in extendedlink, in preparation for arc and locator being
  removed in V6.0

* Fix RFE#3406169, allow multiple procedure elements in task

* Fix RFE#3390036, allow tag elements to nest

* Reworked XLink attributes to support simple/extended links

* Added pattern for imagedata SVG and MathML content (so that it could
  be extended by the XInclude schema)

* Added XInclude to images and equations; allow foreign,
  namespace-qualified attributes on the xi:include element

* RFE 3150303, broaden content model of contrib

* RFE 3227210, fix HTML informaltable attributes

* RFE 3274136, allow production to contain rhs+

* RFE 3287339, support ISTC as a biblioid class

* Renamed pattern db.any.docbook to db._any.docbook for consistency

* Fix RFE 3199793, allow xi:include in set

* Fixed RFE 3174769, add securitycontext and other to systemitem

* Fix RFE 3171553, allow dedication in article

* Changed Schematron namespace to official ISO Schematron URI

* Allow topic in chapter and appendix (as an alternative to narrative
  content) per May 2010 TC meeting

* Fix content model of book and part to make topic an alternative, not
  part of the component mixture

* RFE #2964576: move table/informaltable exclusion down to entry where
  it belongs

* Fix RFE 2821653: allow indexterms in footnotes

* RFE 2907131 Allow simplesect in colophon

* RFE 2907125 remark should allow all inlines

* RFE 2907124 make personal name components avialable directly in
  bibliomixed and bibliomset

* RFE 2770858/2791288 add more elements to ubiquitous inlines

* Change xlink from/label/to attributes. They're no longer optional
* RFE 1958051 address should allow orgname

* RFE 2315507 add subtitle to sidebar

* RFE 2067915 Add floatstyle attribute to sidebar

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com>      | My problems start when the smarter
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | bears and the dumber visitors
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | intersect.--Steve Thompson,
                                   | wildlife biologist at Yosemite
                                   | National Park

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