On 2015-01-29 14:46, Marco Giebel wrote:
I am looking for a possibility to include LaTeX formulas inside a
docbook document.

There is an open source piece of software called dblatex (NOT db2latex, which is much older). It converts DocBook XML to LaTeX (or XeLaTeX). We use it, but I don't know whether you can get it to pass LaTeX text verbatim--maybe you can if you use an xslt processing-instruction. (If you simply embed LaTeX commands as text, they get escaped, so they won't be processed.)

There's a sourceforge site for dblatex here:
However, it doesn't seem to be up to date, as I know they're up to version 0.3.5. There's a download site for the newer version here:
Actually, the latest is also available from sourceforge, here:
I think the discrepancy between the above link and this one has to do with migrating from git to mercurial.

The developer is Benoit Guillon, and he can be reached through the dblatex mailing list:
(with link to subscribe) He might be able to better answer the question about how to embed LaTeX code to be executed.

   Mike Maxwell
   University of Maryland

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