DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 16 March 2016

The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 16 March 2016.

1. Roll call

Present: Scott Hamilton, Jirka Kosek, Larry Rowland,
Bob Stayton, Dick Hamilton, Norm Walsh

2. Accepted the minutes [1] of the previous meeting.

3. Next meeting: 20 April 2016

No regrets.

4. Review of the agenda.

No additions.

5. Review of open action items

   a. Norm to review the non-normative XML Schema version of 5.1
      to make sure it has all the latest changes.

   b. Norm to check what "independent implementations" means in
      this context.

   c. Norm to check if it has to be an institutional member.

   d. Everyone to beat the bushes for SoUs.

6.  Publisher's and eLearning subcommittee reports

Nothing new to report.

7.  XInclude 1.1 status.

Norm was delayed in completing his implementation with tests.

ACTION: Norm to complete his XInclude implementation.

8.  DocBook 5.1 release

We must file several Statements of Use of DocBook 5.1 before it
can be put to an OASIS vote.  They can be completed by
non-institutional members, including DocBook TC members. Norm
wants to make sure several SoU's are from outside the TC, though.
Scott sent out a template that can be used.

9.  Review of Requests for Enhancement

    To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):

    RFEs to revisit for 6.0

    247   1907003  biblioid content model too broad

   RFEs under discussion

   Ticket  Tracker
    260   2820947  Ability to transclude text
    273   3035565  Allow sections at any level
    291   3491860  license tag  (hold for 5.2)
    306            Allow Block Elements inside abstract

    Github Issues
    6              Add buildtarget element
    7              Allow revnumber inline.

 No new RFEs



Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

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