On Saturday 10 August 2002 05.03, Joshua Slive wrote:

> - Is this the right overall direction?


> - Is it too flashy/complicated?

I don't find it too flashy. The one thing I would change, is to put the "menu 
box" on the right on the left side instead. I think that would work better 
for people people who haven't got that high resolution. Then they won't have 
to scroll to see the main information.

Otherwise, I have only small, cosmetic things to "complain" about:

My biggest gripe is that the boxes for examples/warnings/etc always ought to 
be the same width (preferably they should use the same width as the 
"ordinary" text.)

I think the header part could be smaller on sub pages. Why waste valuable 
screen space on something that you know anyhow :-)

The "Maintained by..." footer should be aligned with the main information text 
box. If one doesn't move the menu box, then the maintain message ought to be 
right aligned.

> - Does it work in everybody's various browsers?  (It is supposed to work
> at least back to Netscape 4, but I haven't tested it.)

I've tried it in Konqeuror, Links, Lynx, and Galeon. It seems to work in them 

> If people like it, what the process be for adopting it?  Should we go
> ahead and do it now, and fix up any problems later.

I'd say; go for it now. Or at least very soon. You might want to take a week 
or two to gather input, before applying it for real.

| Patrik Grip-Jansson |
| Ringen 4B           |    .--------------------.
| 78444 Borlänge   .--'----' http://gnulix.com/ `---------.
| Sweden           |  All views and opinions are my own,  |
`------------------| PH:+46(0)24382823 PW:+46(0)707354360 |

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