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= Get 2.4 =

What are you waiting for?  httpd 2.4 has been the preferred stable release 
since 2012; httpd 2.2 is still supported, but it first appeared in 2006 and we 
won't keep updating it forever.  Start moving to 2.4 before you have to.

The "official" [[|list of 
reasons to upgrade]] is long but admittedly quite boring.  The key takeaways 
for 2.4 are

 * all sorts configuration improvements
 * Event MPM as the commonly used processing model on Unix, with drastically 
reduced thread requirements, even compared with the experimental Event MPM with 
 * numerous improvements in support of lean web server configurations which 
communicate with web applications running out of process
 * new SSL features such as support for Elliptic Curve keys, OCSP for client 
certificates, OCSP Stapling for server certificates

You need this stuff!

Some of the drag on the uptake of 2.4 has been due to Linux distribution 
cycles, but there are also plenty of cases where the documented configuration 
for using third-party software with httpd is some old and heavy mechanism from 
when you were in high school, and the promoted configuration for nginx is a 
lean web server setup with segregation between front-end and application.

== httpd bundled with the OS ==

As time goes on, more and more OS distributions are including httpd 2.4.  Even 
when they don't, even versions from several years ago may include a version of 
OpenSSL new enough to support modern protocols (as well as httpd 2.4).

|| '''Distribution/version''' || '''Has httpd 2.4?''' || '''If not, has 
sufficient OpenSSL?''' ||
|| Debian Wheezy || No (httpd 2.2.22) || Yes ||
|| Fedora 20 || Yes || -- ||
|| FreeBSD Ports for FreeBSD 9 and 10 || Yes || -- ||
|| openSUSE 12.3 || No (httpd 2.2.22) || Yes ||
|| openSUSE 13.1, 13.2 || Yes || -- ||
|| RHEL/CentOS 6 || No (httpd 2.2.15) || Yes ||
|| RHEL/CentOS 7 || Yes || -- ||
|| Ubuntu 14 || Yes || -- ||
|| Ubuntu 12 || No (httpd 2.2.?) || Yes ||

For situations with a sufficient level of OpenSSL bundled, other support 
libraries such as Expat, PCRE, and zlib are also bundled.  You just need to 
build apr 1.latest, apr-util 1.latest, and httpd 2.4.latest.

== Modern ways to configure applications with httpd ==

Where "Modern" == lean web server proxying application requests to separate 

 * [[PHP-FPM|For PHP applications]]
 * [[|For Python applications]]

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