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The "Compatibility" page has been changed by wrowe:

  This wiki content attempts to catalog known compatibility questions between 
common HTTP servers, browsers, other user-agents, and other proxy agents such 
as firewalls or load balancers. Note that Apache HTTP Server acts as both a 
server, and as a proxy server, also as a user-agent communicating with a 
back-end server. The implementation of the specs listed below may vary between 
these two roles.
  == Applicable Specifications ==
- Apache HTTP Server implements a number of specifications, each of which poses 
interoperability challenges for any implementor. Different implementations may;
+ Apache HTTP Server implements a number of specifications, each of which poses 
interoperability challenges for any implementer. Different implementations may;
   * Apply a different interpretation of the same reading when the 
specification is unclear
   * Choose to be permissive where multiple readings are possible, or to 
strictly conform when the plain reading is clear
   * Deviate from the specification in error, for their own purpose, or to 
accommodate another implementation
  Apache HTTP Server since inception has erred on the side of being lenient in 
accepting questionable input, and strict in emitting responses from the server, 
which helped to fuel the adoption of the HTTP protocol. In response to a number 
of attack vectors which rely on the differences in accepting and interpreting 
questionable input, the server is evolving to more strictly require that input 
conform to the relevant specifications.
- The current version of HTTP implements the following specifications (this 
list not exhaustive);
+ The current version of HTTP implements the following specifications, with 
specific wiki pages dedicated to each topic (this list not exhaustive);
- || '''Spec''' || '''Title''' || '''Comments''' ||
+ || '''Spec''' || '''Comments''' || '''Title''' ||
- || [[|RFC 7230]] || Hypertext Transfer 
Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing ||  ||
+ || [[|RFC 7230]] || [[RFC7230Notes|RFC 
7230 Notes]] || Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and 
Routing ||
- || [[|RFC 7231]] || Hypertext Transfer 
Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content ||  ||
+ || [[|RFC 7231]] || [[RFC7231Notes|RFC 
7231 Notes]] || Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content ||
- || [[|RFC 7231]] || Hypertext Transfer 
Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Conditional Requests ||  ||
+ || [[|RFC 7232]] || [[RFC7232Notes|RFC 
7232 Notes]] || Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Conditional Requests ||
- || [[|RFC 7231]] || Hypertext Transfer 
Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Range Requests ||  ||
+ || [[|RFC 7233]] || [[RFC7233Notes|RFC 
7233 Notes]] ||  Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Range Requests ||
- || [[|RFC 7231]] || Hypertext Transfer 
Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Caching ||  ||
+ || [[|RFC 7234]] || [[RFC7234Notes|RFC 
7234 Notes]] ||  Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Caching ||
- || [[|RFC 7231]] || Hypertext Transfer 
Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication ||  ||
+ || [[|RFC 7235]] || [[RFC7235Notes|RFC 
7235 Notes]] ||  Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication ||
- || [[|RFC 3986]] || URI Generic Syntax || 
By reference of RFC 7230 ||
+ || [[|RFC 3986]] || [[RFC3986Notes|RFC 
3986 Notes]] ||  URI Generic Syntax [By reference in RFC 7230] ||
  == Interoperability Issues ==
+ See specific Notes above for issues related to each specification. General 
Issues between specific clients and back-end servers are called out below.
  == Specific Client Issues (httpd as a Server) ==

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