On 08/05/2011 07:26 PM, Tom Cloyd wrote:

> Go forward with using Base as frontend to sqlite (which looks really
wonderful, and has a nice admin. addon available in Firefox), and use it
as long as Base works.

The only thing that _SQLite Manager_ is good for, is eye candy.
Databases can only have one table, and there is a limit on both the
number of fields, and number of records it can hold.

The major problem with the SQLite extension for OOo, was that it wasn't
updated. Changes in either SQLite or the Base component were not
incorporated into the extension.

Arguably, a minor issue is/was that it relied on the Base component for
the UI. Something that doesn't work to well, when dealing with binary
blobs as data.

> The key to is constructing a domain specific language (easy with ruby),
 reserving direct SQL access for rarely encountered needs (as is normally
 done), and do output and input via text files. No pretty GUI, but real
 results for sure. I can live with this, AND it just might be useful to
 other people.

That pretty much is the simplest way for Joe Sixpack to get data into a
database, when all they want to do, is have their data in a database.

The last time I saw a database front end that required virtually nothing
of the user, was for a shareware clone of dBase 3 that was out of Redmond.

> Sad what you say about the database design community, but all too true.

They do have valid points.  However, for the typical database used by
Joe Sixpack, the only data normalization that is needed, is that the
correct data is put in it in the first place.

> Spreadsheets as an alternative? May the gods preserve us from that dark

The Human Genome Project is just one major scientific research,f or
which all the data can be rejected off the bat as invalid, because of
known data destruction by Excel.

If Bing copied Google, there wouldn't be anything new worth requesting.

If Bing did not copy Google, there wouldn't be anything relevant worth

                              DaveJakeman 20110207 Groklaw.

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