
Thanks for the off-list mail, I've replied to you and added you on Skype.

Like I said, I'm totally taken up with other stuff at the moment, and
can't currently help out with that list of stuff to be done. But I
certainly will as soon as time gets easier - although that probably
will not be for another month or so. All I can promise is that I will
respond to any questions you have, by mail or by Skype, in a timely
manner, and that I will react immediately in the event of a server

However, the server is being pinged by every 15
minutes and hasn't been down since it was up again - if you see what I
mean. That is to say that it's been running trouble-free since the
beginning of February 2012, when it was fixed after a botched upgrade,
and can reasonably be hoped to stay that way (it's running the latest
version of Alfresco Community). The server gets backed-up once a week
from my side, and Florian Effenberger was intending to run hourly
back-ups onto a separate TDF server - I'm not sure if he actually got
around to that, but I'm CC'ing him this mail just in case, because it
would be an excellent precaution to implement.

No major maintenance is planned at the moment, except that Cedric or I
will be implementing SSO (Single Sign-On) on the Alfresco platform,
which is planned for all TDF sites, so that logging-on to one site
logs you onto them all. Plus Jeff Potts of the Alfresco project has
work on-going on, to implement a
better publicly-accessible browsing interface (CMIS-based) than the
current Drupal-based site at

Florian Effenberger, Cedric Bosdonnat and the TDF sysadmins have all
the info to log in and take action at OS level, as does Jeff Potts.

I will probably approach TDF's BoD during August to see whether to
move the platform onto a TDF-operated server, but will liaise with the
docs team and ask for your opinions before taking any action.

That's about all I can think of for the moment, but you can catch me
on Skype anytime. :-) Any mail to this list mentioning Alfresco also
gets forwarded to my business mailbox, so anyone can also buzz me here
and be sure that I'll see it.

David Nelson

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