On 21.10.2017 10:55, Andrea Mussap wrote:
> Hi allI've copy/past text from my email to LO-Writer, and the text came with 
> lines/borders??
> I've tried the same procedure used to remove horizontal line but it didn't 
> work:
> 1. "Format - Paragraph - Borders" - "Set All Four Borders" button. Click "OK"
> 2."Format - Paragraph - Borders" "Set No Borders" button and clicked" clicked 
> "OK" button
> The "gray" borders didn't disappear.I don't know what is the issue here, so I 
> don't know what to look for in the Helps.Does anybody know how to get rid of 
> these borders?Thank you in advance.Andrea.

Hi Andrea,

The documentation mailing list is not the best place to ask questions
like this. There are many more people available on the "users" mailing
list: us...@global.libreoffice.org or the Forum:

I will attempt to offer some suggestions here, but in the absence of
detailed information about the procedure you are using, I will have to
make a number of guesses and assumptions.

Assuming you are actually copying real text (not an image) the copy from
your web browser may well appear on the clipboard in a number of
different formats (eg. Formatted HTML, Plain Text, etc.)

My guess would be that you are using a simple paste option (eg. *Ctrl +
V* keyboard shortcut), which in most copying from web pages results in
the clipboard contents being pasted as Formatted HTML that might be
generating the lines/boarders. I am unable to replicate this issue and
cannot propose a method of removing them. However, for future reference
you might want to use Writer,s "/Paste Special…/" option to paste as
"/Unformatted text/". The "/Paste Special…/" option can be accessed via
the main toolbar "/Paste/" split button drop down list, from the main
menu "/Edit → //Paste Special…/" option (see below), or by the *Ctrl +
Shift + V* keyboard shortcut.

    The menu option and the keyboard shortcut both open a selection
    dialog (see below).

Hope this helps.

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