Hi Olivier and Jean and all:

        I just think about this because I've read the Jean's e-mail. It would be good if we include in each GS 6.0 Chart or only in Introduction Chart or if it has enough information, in a specific chart, a topic about all experimental feature that LibreOffice has. As I understand when we've talked in our meeting, not always there are experimental issues, but it would useful for the users know which of them are in this condition.


Jorge Rodríguez

El 08/03/2018 a las 08:26, Olivier Hallot escribió:
Hello Jean

Nothing yet written about in our Guides. The feature is still in
experimental mode.

Of course, it will be available one day, and contents on the subject
will be welcome.

Kind regards

Em 08/03/2018 04:41, Jean Weber escreveu:
Has someone written about the notebook bar and its various display
choices? I see a topic in the Help, but is there anything else?

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