Jean Weber schreef op 04.06.2019 04:15:
On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 at 03:21 Dave Barton <> wrote:

Hi Folks,

While uploading a reviewed chapter of the Calc Guide I looked around at
the Nextcloud folder structure (or lack thereof) and it put me in mind
of a moderately well stacked garbage dump.

I will refrain from getting back on my soapbox about the naming of the
folders, but I would like to propose that we create an "Archive" folder
within the English > Calc Guide > 6.2 path and when a
new/revised/reviewed file is added to either the "Feedback" or "Draft"
folders it's predecessor is moved to the "Archive" folder. At the moment
we have files (old and new) scattered around "Feedback" folder like

I totally agree. I was going to do that, but didn’t get to it.

I also think this is a good idea, so I took the liberty to make the folder and move the old file to it.
It can easily change back if some others don't like it.
Is it also a good idea to move the files that are alreadey finished and are in Draft?

Kind regards,

Agreed this is a million miles/kilometers away from a real versioning
system, but at least if it ever becomes necessary to recover a previous
edit we have a known location to rummage around in. Unfortunately this
does not provide a solution to files directly edited via LOOL, unless we
can encourage contributors who wish to work this way to first save a
copy of the existing file to the "Archive" folder.

Over the coming months I am not going to be in a position to do much
revising or reviewing of guide chapters. However, now that Olivier has
taken the first step in moving the contributor guides to the wiki, I
think I may be able to spend some short periods of time working on
updating them. In which case I may be back here asking for concusses
about making changes to our workflow or other arrangements on a fairly
regular basis.


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