Hi all,

I have started page https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/ODF_Implementer_Notes/List_of_LibreOffice_ODF_implementation-defined_items

The ODF standard contains parts, which are "implentation-defined". That means,
Implementation-defined is used in this standard for values or processing that may differ between ODF implementations, but is required to be specified by the implementor for each particular ODF-implementation.
see https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/ODF_Implementer_Notes/List_of_LibreOffice_ODF_implementation-defined_items#cite_ref-1

And this
2.3.2 OpenDocument Extended Producer

An OpenDocument extended producer is a program that creates at least one conforming OpenDocument extended document, and that meets the following additional requirements:

A)It shall be accompanied by a document that defines all implementation-defined values used by the OpenDocument extended producer.

B)It should be accompanied by a document that defines all foreign elements and attributes used by the OpenDocument extended producer.

The foreign elements and attributes are documented in https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/ODF_Implementer_Notes/List_of_LibreOffice_OpenFormula_Extensions

A list of implementation-defined values was missing. Therefore I have started this page. But currently this page has no content. It lists only all parts where the standard specifies, that something is "implementation-defined". So help is appreciated, to fill it with content.

For implementation-defined items in functions I have linked to the help. But I have not verified, whether the help has indeed the needed information.

I have not used a table, because a table is hard to read in edit mode.

I have added the section numbers of ODF 1.2. When ODF 1.3 is out, new section numbers need to be added then.

Kind regards

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