On 06/11/2020 00:05, Felipe Viggiano wrote:
> Dave,
> As soon as I can fix every issue pointed I will surely let you know.
> One question to the group:
> I'm using the Published folder for the files, should I move to the Draft
> folder and put back on Published only after finishing?
> Best regards,
> Felipe Viggiano

Hi Felipe,

The current Calc Guide 7.0 NextCloud workspace is the only one which
still has the "Draft" and "Feedback" folders. The other mainstream 7.0
guides have been moved over to the new simplified workflow. I did
consider changing the Calc Guide 7.0 folder structure, but since there
were a number of people actively working on that guide it seemed best to
leave structure alone and avoid possible disruption or confusion.

I see that Steve has given you a few points to consider before moving to
final publication, so I suggest you move copies of all the odt chapter
files and compiled books back into the "Feedback" folder until you are
fully satisfied that the guide is ready for final publication and then
move all the finished content over to the "Published" folder.

The reason I suggest keeping the "Published" folder empty for now, is
that some native language projects look to that folder for files on
which to base the translation or adaptation into their language.

Your choice, but I would also suggest the 3 files currently sitting in
the "Feedback" be moved to the "Archive" folder.


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