Documentation Team Meeting Minutes April 29th 2021 at 18:00 UTC.

Presents: Dave Barton, Olivier, Felipe Viggiano

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Live TDF Jitsi Room

Completed items:
Development of LibreOffice Tutorials 6.4 stalled for over a year.
AI: + Submit a new proposal for 7.1 template, discuss in ML.
   + No needed anymore (see below)

Pending items:
AI: + Archive partial documentation and close on NextCloud. (Dave)
    + Old files can confuse newcomers
    + Zip files to cleanup folders

Topics and Discussion:

+ Template 7.1
   + My interest is to have it explained in the wiki (DB)
      + For the new authors
   + For new Authors, presentation on how to start (OH)
       + LibreOffice Documentation/English/Contributor Resources/
       + Will review and enhance it (Dave)
       + Consider a video (3 min) introducing doc team and doc tasks (OH)
           + See with TDF resources

+ Copyright, acknowledgements:
    + One copyright for all chapters (OH)
       + include all current and past contributors
+ Have a external copyright file and link into the Chapter and full book
       + example (copyright taken from full book)
LibreOffice Documentation/Brazilian Portuguese/Guia de Introdução/7.0/Publicado/copyright.odt

+ New user interface
    + JW is writing on the new user interfaces (OH)

+ Have a certificate for participation (Felipe)
    + Some volunteers need for Resumé entries (Felipe)
    + Open badges? (OH)
    + Certificate? (Felipe)
    + Names already in the Copyright, but need more (OH)

+ Bookshelf project (Proof of concept in progress) (OH)
    + Publish Guides as static HTML files
    + Aimed to be read in browser or tablets directly
    + Full guides with same formatting as book
       + except for page display
       + not a single word changed from published guide
    + Can also be installed in schools, colleges, libraries
        + organizations of any size,
        + Support for migration and deployment of LibreOffice
        + No server scripts, pure static files
    + take advantage of web technology: CSS, Javascript, HTML5
        + Open for dynamic reading
        + Voice reading
        + Local contents search
    + Skills needed
        + web page design
        + css, js, html
    + Some demands related to exporting Guides to HTML (olivier)
       + These request have no visual impact on PDF/ODT
       + On each chapter
  1) Set name the top image of chapter as "LibreOfficeLogo"
  2) set paragraph style of logo as "New Chapter"
  3) wrap logo paragraph in a section named "SEC_LOGO"
  4) wrap Guide name below logo in section of name "SEC_GUIDE"
  5) Wrap Title and Subtitle in a section named "SEC_TITLE"
6) wrap from first Heading1 to end of documment in a section named "SEC_DISPLAYAREA"
      + do not include copyright matter
      + do not include Table of Contents
    Sample file:
LibreOffice Documentation/Brazilian Portuguese/Guia de Introdução/7.0/Publicado/

So far, read online some guides at

Project team members wanted !

Meeting ajourned

Next meeting : *THURSDAY* May 13th 2021 at 18:00 UTC.
Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00
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