Produknya sdh habis, dulu kadang2 pakai jg. Tp tdk pernah cek. Kalau memang
efeknya berbahaya jika dikonsumsi jangka panjang kenapa Badan POM Indonesia
tdk melarang ya (mungkin mereka jg tdk tahu)? Kalo gitu Kesimpulannya pakai
madu saja buat pemanis biar aman.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dr.(Naturopathy) Ir. Donny Hosea MBA. PhD.
Sent: 27 Mei 2006 20:03
Subject: Re: [Dokter Umum] Toxicity Effects of Aspartame Use

Hello Bung Adi,
Produknya ada didepan anda???
Kalau ya, coba anda baca, apakah ada ada corn sirup didlam komposisi???
Ndak ada kan???
So, gambar jagung bukan berarti gula jagung, karena isinya aspartame n ....
Jadi berbahaya????
Ada ADI value tetapi toxicity nya ndak pernah disebutkan, apalagi kalau
ybs menggunakan dg produk2 lainnya dlm sehari.
So, .....

Semoga bermanfaat,

Adi Gunawan wrote:

>Pak, aspartame itu sama dgn gula jagung yg ada di iklan2 ya? Kalo memang
>sama berarti bisa bahaya dong dikonsumsi byk org, ya kalo memang sama. Kalo
>beda apakah gula jagung tsb aman jg spt pd Tro****** S*** ?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dr.(Naturopathy) Ir. Donny Hosea MBA. PhD.
>Sent: 20 Mei 2006 17:09
>Subject: [Dokter Umum] Toxicity Effects of Aspartame Use
>Semakin gencarnya iklan yg menawarkan aspartame sebagai pengganti gula,
>bahkan dg gaya bahwa bila terus menerus menggunakan gula, maka perlahan
>tetapi pasti si pengguna akan rahib alias menghilang selayaknya film 
>emmebuat saya berkuatir.
>Berikut saya sampaikan yg tdk pernah disampaikan pada iklan ttg bahya
>penggunaan aspartame:
>      Toxicity Effects of Aspartame Use
>        Selection of adverse effects from short-term and/or long-Term use
>Note: It often takes at least sixty days without *any* aspartame or
>nutrasweet to see a significant improvement. Improvement in health is
>also often accompanied by weight loss. Check all labels very carefully
>(including vitamins and pharmaceuticals). Look for the word "aspartame"
>on the label and avoid it. (Also, it is a good idea to avoid
>"acesulfame-k" or "sunette.") Finally, avoid getting nutrition
>information from junk food industry PR organizations such as IFIC or
>organizations that accept large sums of money from the junk and chemical
>food industry such as the American Dietetic Association.
>    * seizures and convulsions
>    * dizziness
>    * tremors
>    * migraines and severe headaches (Trigger or Cause From Chronic Intake)
>    * memory loss (common toxicity effects)
>    * slurring of speech
>    * confusion
>    * numbness or tingling of extremities
>    * chronic fatigue
>    * depression
>    * insomnia
>    * irritability
>    * panic attacks (common aspartame toxicity reaction)
>    * marked personality changes
>    * phobias
>    * rapid heart beat, tachycardia (another frequent reaction)
>    * asthma
>    * chest pains
>    * hypertension (high blood pressure)
>    * nausea or vomitting
>    * diarrhea
>    * abdominal pain
>    * swallowing pain
>    * itching
>    * hives / urticaria
>    * other allergic reactions
>    * blood sugar control problems (e.g., hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia)
>    * menstrual cramps and other menstraul problems or changes
>    * impotency and sexual problems
>    * food cravings
>    * weight gain
>    * hair loss / baldness or thinning of hair
>    * burning urination & other urination problems
>    * excessive thirst or excessive hunger
>    * bloating, edema (fluid retention)
>    * infection susceptibility
>    * joint pain
>    * brain cancer (Pre-approval studies in animals)
>    * death
>        Aspartame Disease Mimmicks Symptoms or Worsens the Following
>        Diseases
>    * fibromyalgia
>    * arthritis
>    * multiple sclerosis (MS)
>    * parkinson's disease
>    * lupus
>    * multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS)
>    * diabetes and diabetic Complications
>    * epilepsy
>    * alzheimer's disease
>    * birth defects
>    * chronic fatigue syndrome
>    * lymphoma
>    * lyme disease
>    * attention deficit disorder (ADD and ADHD)
>    * panic disorder
>    * depression and other psychological disorders
>Semoga bermanfaat,



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