Welcome Heart Care Info

There are numerous distinct disorders that relate to heart. These include 
arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, angina, heart attack, and heart failure, 
arrhythmias, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, heart murmurs, rheumatic heart 
disease, valvular disease, mitral valve prolapse and high blood pressure or 

Like any muscle, the heart needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients that 
are carried to it by the blood in the coronary arteries. When the coronary 
arteries become narrowed or clogged and cannot supply enough blood to the 
heart, the result is coronary heart disease.
Coronary Heart Disease:

The most common type of heart disease is coronary heart disease (CHD), also 
called coronary artery disease. It is the No. 1 killer in America, affecting 
more than 12 million Americans. Coronary heart disease develops when one or 
more of the coronary arteries that supply the blood to the heart become 
narrower than they used to be. This happens because of a buildup of cholesterol 
and other substances in the wall of the blood vessel, affecting the blood flow 
to the heart muscle.

Symptoms: The most common symptom is angina or "angina pectoris." Angina can be 
described as a discomfort, heaviness, pressure, aching, burning, fullness, 
squeezing or painful feeling. Other sypmtoms are shortness of breath, faster 
heartbeat, sweating.
Angina Pectoris:

Angina is chest pain caused by coronary heart disease, a partial blockage of 
the coronary arteries. It occurs when the heart muscle doesn't get as much 
blood (hence as much oxygen) as it needs. This usually happens because one or 
more of the heart's arteries is narrowed or blocked. Insufficient blood supply 
is called ischemia.

Symptoms: Some risk factors for developing angina are male sex, family history 
of angina, diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, 
sedentary lifestyle, and stress.
Heart Attack:

A heart attack (myocardial infarction) occurs when a coronary artery abruptly 
fails to deliver blood to a part of your heart. Coronary arteries are the blood 
vessels on the surface of your heart. They bring oxygen and nutrients to your 
heart muscle (myocardium). The reduction or stoppage happens when one or more 
of the coronary arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle is blocked. This 
is usually caused by the buildup of plaque (deposits of fat-like substances), a 
process called atherosclerosis

Symptoms: Symptoms of a heart attack include: Discomfort, pressure, heaviness, 
or pain in the chest, arm or below the breastbone, Rapid or irregular 
heartbeats, Difficulty breathing, Nausea, vomiting, Dizziness, 
weakness.Coronary Heart Disease <http://www.heartcare-info.com/>


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