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SIDE EFFECTS: Dry mouth, irritated throat, dizziness, headache, 
lightheadedness, heartburn, loss of appetite, altered taste sensation, 
restlessness, anxiety, nervousness, trembling, and sweating may occur 
but should subside as your body adjusts to the medication. If these 
symptoms persist or worsen, inform your doctor. To relieve dry mouth, 
suck on (sugarless) hard candy or ice chips, chew (sugarless) gum, drink 
water or use saliva substitute. Inform your doctor if you experience: 
chest pain, pounding heartbeat, breathing difficulties. In the unlikely 
event you have a serious allergic reaction to this drug, seek medical 
attention immediately. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include: 
rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing. If you 
notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.


PRECAUTIONS: Tell your doctor your medical history, especially of: an 
overactive thyroid, heart disease, high blood pressure, epilepsy, 
diabetes, drug allergies. This medication should be used only when 
clearly needed during pregnancy. Discuss the risk and benefits with your 
doctor. This drug may be excreted into breast milk. Consult your doctor 
before breast-feeding.

DRUG INTERACTIONS: Tell your doctor of all prescription and 
nonprescription medications you use, including: beta-blockers (e.g., 
propranolol, timolol), all asthma medications, ephedrine, epinephrine, 
pseudoephedrine, antidepressants, MAO inhibitors (e.g., furazolidone, 
linezolid, phenelzine, selegiline, tranylcypromine), diuretics (e.g., 
hydrochlorothiazide). It is important to read the labels carefully on 
all over-the-counter medications, especially those used for colds, 
allergies, asthma or diets as they may contain ingredients mentioned 
above. Do not start or stop any medicine without doctor or pharmacist 

OVERDOSE: If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control 
center or emergency room immediately. US residents can call the US 
national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. Canadian residents should 
call their local poison control center directly. Symptoms of overdose 
may include chest pain, fast or irregular heartbeat, headache, tremors, 
nervousness, weakness, and dizziness.

NOTES: Do not share this medication with others.

MISSED DOSE: Ask your doctor about what action to take if you should 
miss a dose. Do not "double-up" the dose.

STORAGE: Store at temperatures below 86 degrees F (30 degrees C) away 
from moisture and sunlight. Do not store in the bathroom.

MEDICAL ALERT: Your condition can cause complications in a medical 
emergency. For enrollment information call MedicAlert at 1-800-854-1166 
(USA), or 1-800-668-1507 (Canada).

Artinya bila ada over dosage poissoning, berarti kalau bisa dihindari, 
sebaiknya tdk digunakan produk tersebut, apalagi bila anda beli sendiri, 
tanpa diresepkan oleh dokter karena: " sudah biasa menggunakanya)
DRUG INTERACTIONS juga perlu diperhatikan karena salah satu saja, 
pseudoephedrine yg banyak dipakai oleh obat2 yg tembus penjualan 
terbanyak justrui menggunakan jenis campuran ini.

Hal lain yg mungkin bermanfaat:
 Ban of CFC-containing inhalers Asthalin HFA inhaler made by Cipla (India)
The components of a salbutamol inhaler Globe icon.

    The examples and perspective in this section deal primarily with 
North America and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject. 
Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page. 
(December 2009)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in April 2005 mandated that 
all (including salbutamol) inhalers containing chlorofluorocarbons 
(CFCs) will be prohibited in the United States as of December 31, 
2008.[11] CFC inhalers had previously been given "essential use" status, 
exempting it from a CFC-production ban, however in accordance with the 
Montreal Protocol they will be phased out; in many other countries 
patients have been transitioned to non-CFC based inhalers using 
hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) propellant. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are 
expected to produce adequate supplies of alternative (HFA) inhalers by 
2009.[citation needed]

One drawback of this transition to HFA inhalers is that, due to patent 
restrictions, all HFA salbutamol inhalers are "brand-name" (ProAir, 
Proventil, and Ventolin). They cost approximately $20 more per inhaler 
than existing generic CFC salbutamol inhalers. These new formulations 
are patented. An industry consortium was formed to spread the costs of 
the FDA safety studies to get propellants such as 134a and 227 approved.[12]

Generic HFA salbutamol inhalers are not expected to reach the United 
States market until after 2012 due to existing patents.[13]

Salbutamol is widely used, and accounts for anywhere from 78% of all 
bronchodilator prescriptions in 2005 to 85% in 2008.[14] However, 
patients in the United States who cannot tolerate the HFA salbutamol 
inhalers will not have a single salbutamol alternative available to them 
domestically after December 31, 2008.[15] The FDA did not approve any 
alternatives to HFA and there are few standard inhaled lung medications 
in the United States that come in Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI) versions. 
Noticeably missing is salbutamol in DPI form in the United States, 
although it is available in most of the rest of the world in salbutamol 

Maka tergantung Depkes Indonesia apakah mencari cara lain atau tetap 
mengakomodir drug ini.
Banyak cara utk mengatur fisiologis organ, n tdk perlu harus dg bahan 
semacam ini.
Dan mudah2an menjawab pertanyaan anda ttg penggunaan dlm jangka waktu yg 
lama tersebut


Sukiat Lim wrote:
> Selamat pagi dok,
> Saya penderita asma  dan sudah satu tahun ini menggunakan ventolin 
> semprot,saya mau menanyakan apakah ada efek sampingan bila pemakaian obat 
> tersebut dalam jangka waktu yg panjang? perlu diketahui saya hanya 
> menggunakan obat tsb jika benar2 susah bernapas saja.mohon tanggapannya, 
> terima kasih.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


   "Absolutely Drug less Health Care solution Organization"

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