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This book is for the more than 600,000 women and 60,000 men in the United 
States who suffer from lupus. I write from firsthand knowledge. I am a nurse 
and also a lupus patient. As a nurse with lupus, I don't minimize suffering or 
pretend that only physicians know what is best for the individual. Lupus is a 
strange and terrible disease. One day a person feels fine and the next day she 
can't get out of bed. She may have pain so excruciating that she spends the 
whole night in the bath tub, crying as she works to keep the water as hot as 
she can stand it. Another night, for no discernible reason, she may feel well 
enough to go dancing. Lupus may attack a patient's kidneys, heart, or brain, or 
her only symptoms may be joint pain or that lupus rash on nose and cheeks. 
Lupus causes depression. So do sortie of the medications that treat lupus. 
Whatever the symptoms, lupus is a chronic and as yet incurable disease. What is 
lupus? What are its manifestations and how is it diagnosed? Which physicians 
specialize in this disease? What medications do they use, and why? What about 
the alternative or complementary treatments? LUPUS WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? answers 
these questions and many more. Three physicians, lupus specialists, share their 
thoughts about lupus and lupus patients. Arheumatologist explains what a 
patient can do to help her physician provide her with the best treatment. An 
internist, who uses herbal medicine and acupuncture as well as traditional 
medicine, describes his holistic approach. A research physician shares the 
exciting research he is doing. Psychological well-being is an essential part of 
lupus treatment. My co-author, Mary McClure Goulding, an internationally 
recognized teacher of psychotherapy, presents techniques for improving the 
quality of life by using breathing exercises, relaxation, imagery, and 
story-telling. She teaches assertiveness, and how to substitute self-caring for 
worry and unhappiness. In the chapters, "Your Work Life" and "Your Home Life," 
everyday issues are presented and discussed, such as short cuts in housework 
and whether to keep your job or apply for disability benefits, pins a step by 
step guide to applying for these benefits The mysteries of computer use are 
made easy, so that readers can join chat groups and get the newest information 
about lupus. To me the most inspiring section in this book is 44 women and Men 
with Lupus Tell Their Stones." Each lupus patient is unique, and responds 
uniquely to this disease. One woman is now able to joke about a honeymoon that 
ended in her near total paralysis, and tells of her long and successful 
struggle to regain mobility. Four women, whose kidneys failed, describe their 
quite different experiences with dialysis. A woman who is legally blind, 
disabled, and almost seventy years old, survives on only $660 a month 
Supplemental Security Income, but nevertheless manages to go to college. Some 
men and women are employed and others have been forced by their illness to quit 
their jobs. Some have children, some are childless, some have partners, and 
some live alone. Two women reveal how their marriages were strengthened as 
their husbands helped them cope with the trauma of lupus. Two women were 
deserted by husbands who wouldn't tolerate their disease, one while she was 
hospitalized in the intensive care unit. One woman ended a seven year 
relationship with her lover, when she realized that she needed a more peaceful 
life than was possible with him. A man, who couldn't even hold a glass or step 
over a tiny bump on the sidewalk, put all his effort into an exercise program 
that made him strong enough to compete again in sailboat races.

These women and men, Mexican-American, Black, Japanese-American, and White, 
belong to lupus Support groups sponsored by the Lupus Foundation of America. 
They have become intimate friends, as they tell each other their joy and pain. 
I am one of them. Although I was a registered nurse when I was diagnosed with 
lupus, I knew nothing about the disease. My physicians did the right tests and 
then prescribed the right medications, but when I mentioned that I needed 
fourteen hours of sleep every day, and that I often cried on the way home from 
a perfectly fine day at work, their faces went blank. Usually, they changed the 
subject. I began reading everything that was written on lupus, and started a 
local support group for lupus patients. I wanted to learn what others did to 
cope with this disease. It's taken years, but I think I now understand what we 
lupus patients are going through physically and emotionally, and what we can do 
to optimize our health. This book is my first, and the writing of it has been 
demanding and sometimes awesome. It's also been plain fun, especially when my 
family started sending ideas for book titles: Don't Be A Dufus, Read About 
Lupus. Thrown For A Lupus? The Straight Poopus On Lupus. The Lupusite's Guide 
To All Things Lupusitical. And, finally, Ask Not What Your Lupus Can Do For 
You, Ask What You Can Do For Your Lupus. It is a serious subject, and at times 
I can laugh about it. My goal is to share what I have learned with lupus 
patients, families, friends, and health care providers, as well as with ill 
people who have not yet been diagnosed but think they might have lupus. All of 
these people are still trying, as I have tried, to find out:

* In the past male pronouns were used to designate men and women. Because most 
lupus patients are women, in this book the female pronouns may refer to both 
male and female patients.

What is Lupus

The official name of Lupus is systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE. It is a 
chronic, inflammatory disease that affects different parts of your body. For 
some unknown reason, your auto-immune system has gotten permanently out of 
whack. In addition to doing its usual jab of attacking germs and other 
unwelcome invaders in your body, it has begun attacking your body's own 
tissues. It may be waging war against your skin, glands, bone marrow, blood, 
connective tissue, or such organs as your kidneys, heart, lungs, or brain.

The symptoms are confusing, contradictory, and ever-changing. You may feel pain 
in your hands and then in your gut, be very sick for days at a time and then 
suddenly become almost symptom-free, without having the slightest idea why your 
symptoms appear or disappear. That's the reason lupus is called "the disease 
with 1,000 faces." Each person's experience with lupus is unique, as you will 
see as you read what fourteen women and men say about their lupus in the 
following section.

What else about lupus?

It is a chronic disease for which there is no known cure. It is not contagious. 
You didn't get it from someone else, and you can't pass it on to your children, 
loved ones, or anyone. No one can catch lupus from you.

A few men get lupus, and very rarely lupus shows up in females before 
adolescence or after menopause; however, more than ninety percent of lupus 
patients, are women of childbearing age. No one knows why this is true, 
although researchers suspect that female hormones are in some way involved.

Since lupus is not contagious, why does one person get lupus and not another? 
Perhaps certain diseases, contracted earlier her in a person's life, may leave 
her susceptible to lupus. There may be genetic explanations. Lupus may be 
caused by a virus or a "cluster of viral influences." Environmental causes are 
a possibility. Researchers are looking carefully at patients' medical histories 
and also are seeking genetic, environmental, and viral causes. So far, 
unfortunately, the cause or causes remain undiscovered.

Hereditary factors are difficult to trace, because in the past lupus was rarely 
diagnosed. Although a very old disease, until quite recently lupus was known 
only to rheumatologists and the type of physician whose hobby was reading about 
esoteric illnesses.

Now, every physician in America, and many lay people, know of lupus. In the 
United States today it is estimated that more than 600,000 women and about 
60,000 men have systemic lupus erythematosus. More than 15,000 new cases are 
diagnosed each year.

Before lupus was well-known, physicians and the general public used to say, 
"She's just the ailing type," or "She was born weak," or "It's all in her 
mind." Surely, these remarks did not do much to make the life of a lupus 
sufferer happier. Imagine what it is like to be unable to get out of bed, or to 
hurt in every joint, and be told you are just weak or neurotic. Even today 
women are called "hypochondriacs" when their diseases cannot be diagnosed. A 
number of these women suffer from lupus.

Lupus is difficult to diagnose because of its changing and contradictory 
symptoms. No one has all of them, but all lupus patients have some of them from 
time to time. Most people with lupus have experienced the big four: exhaustion; 
pain, usually in the joints; sun sensitivity; and that red rash that supposedly 
reminded a French physician, almost 150 years ago, of "wolf bites on the face." 
Where in the world did he see people with wolf bites on the face, especially 
bites that didn't break the skin? Other medical historians believe that he 
named the disease lupus because the rash looks like the darker shadings on a 
wolf's face. Anyway, lupus is Latin for wolf.

That French physician wasn't the first to discover lupus. Good old Hippocrates 
described the rash in about 400 BC.

If you suspect that you may have lupus, read the list of symptoms to see if 
some of them apply to you.

Malar Rash. This red rash, for which lupus was named, appears over the bridge 
of the nose and across both cheeks. If you are the type of person who likes to 
imagine that rashes look like something other than just a rash, its form might 
remind you of a butterfly. It may be visible for only an hour or two, or for 
days or weeks. Usually, it comes and goes.

(Some people get a different rash, round and scaly spots that may show up on 
any part of the body exposed to the sun, though it, too, is most common on the 
face. If it isn't treated, it may leave white spots or scars. This is a 
different disease, called discoid lupus.)

Sun Sensitivity. You may notice your rash for the first time after you've been 
in the sun. You think you have a sunburn, except that it is different from 
sunburns you've had before. Instead of pealing or turning into a tan, it 
remains red and may have raised patches. Perhaps you were healthy until you got 
a mild sunburn, and then the burn turned into welts and your joints began to 

The sun is your enemy. Whether or not you have been a sun lover in the past, 
your days of seeking the perfect tan are over. Even short exposures to the sun 
may make your symptoms worse. And it's not just bright sun. Any exposure to the 
sun's UVA and UVB rays, such as those reflected off sidewalks, sand, or snow, 
are harmful to you. If you are one of the minority of lupus patients whose skin 
is not sensitive to the sun, you may believe that the sun is good for you, 
because its heat on your body makes your joints feel better. The truth is, no 
matter what is happening to your skin, the sun's rays are stimulating the 
production of auto-antibodies which activate your lupus. You cannot be outside 
even on cloudy days without a longsleeved shirt, sun hat, and gloves, 
especially between 11 am and 3 pm, when the sun's rays are strongest. For some 
people, even prolonged exposure to halogen lights or copy machines may cause a 
lupus flare.

Pain. Lupus pain may be very mild or may be terrible. "I hurt all over," some 
say. One adolescent told her physician, "Even my hair hurts." The pain may be 
sharp, a steady ache, or a burning sensation, and it probably is located, like 
arthritis, in your joints, especially the joints of hands and fingers. Some 
people also have swelling and tenderness in their joints. Some have pain in 
their muscles rather than their joints. The pain may move around. One day it is 
in your ankle and the next day in the back of your neck, and another day it is 
everywhere. Or you may be lucky and not have much pain at all. Even if your 
pain is severe, it is not constant and your physician can prescribe medicine 
that will bring you relief, so don't despair!

Exhaustion. Exhaustion, like the pain and the rash, comes and goes, and almost 
always is worse during the early stages of your illness. What's the exhaustion 
like? In your pre-lupus days, you may have been the sort of person who raced 
home from work, grabbed a mountain bike and rode ten miles before supper. Or 
you may have ended the day tired, but able to go to the grocery store, fix 
supper for the children, and throw a load of laundry in the washer before you 
collapsed in front of the TV.

Lupus exhaustion is something new. As Tom (chapter 15,) said, "All of a sudden, 
I got so tired I'd even have to rest on my way back from taking out the 
garbage. How do you explain to anyone that you can't take out the garbage 
without resting?"

You may wake up in the morning too tired to get out of bed. Other days you go 
to work, but you have to lie down almost as soon as you arrive. On the way home 
from work, you pull over to the side of the road to nap, before you can 
continue your drive home. On bad days, grocery shopping and cooking are 
impossible, and doing anything with children beyond reading to them is from 
another lifetime. You may be too tired even to hold a book.

Again, everyone is different, some people feel vaguely tired, but can carry on 
their usual activities. One of the strange aspects of this disease is that the 
exhaustion, for no known reason, comes and goes. You may not be able to get out 
of bed one day, and the next day you are again energetic.

Later, when you and your doctor have figured out what medications are best for 
you, and when you have learned some simple ways to reduce stress and care for 
your body, you'll get back your enthusiasm for living. You still will need lots 
of sleep. Most people with lupus sleep at least ten hours out of every 

There are other symptoms besides the four most prevalent ones:

Depression. Depression is common in lupus patients. Anyone who suffers the pain 
and exhaustion of lupus might be expected to be depressed, but a lupus 
depression is more than simply a response to a chronic and very difficult 
physical illness. It seems to be organically based, meaning that your body 
produces your depression, just as it also produces rash, exhaustion, or pain. 
The classic symptom of this type of depression is an overwhelming feeling of 
despair. Patients may or may not verbalize this despair, but the words that go 
with such despair are, "There's no hope for me," "Nobody can help me," and 
"There is nothing worth living for."

In reality, there is help and hope for you, and you'll find much to live for. A 
lupus depression is curable, but in the midst of your depression, you may not 
believe this.

Easy Bruising. You don't know that you bumped your arm or leg, until you see 
your black and blue bruises. Sometimes lupus medication causes this condition, 
but it may also be a sign that your lupus is attacking the platelets, which 
allow your blood to clot.

Hair Loss. You notice that your comb or brush are full of hair, and you may 
find hair on your pillow. This is an occasional occurrence during lupus flares, 
and won't be continuous.

Fever. Some people run a consistent low-grade fever, perhaps 100 degrees. 
Others run high fevers that come and go for no apparent reason. Check your 
temperature when you think you are running a fever.

Chest pain. You may feel a sharp pain in your chest that is not a heart attack. 
Usually, the cause is inflammation of the connective tissue between your ribs. 
However, the pain may be due to inflammation of the lining of your heart or 
your lungs. This needs immediate treatment. A physician can differentiate 
easily between heart, lung, and connective tissue inflammation.

Edema. If your kidneys are affected, one of the first signs is swelling (edema) 
of your legs, ankles, and feet. You may see in the mirror that there is also 
swelling around your eyes. Again, see a physician right away, preferably a 
nephrologist, a physician who specializes in kidney diseases. Early treatment 
can save your kidneys.

Cold hands and feet. As with other lupus symptoms, coldness in the extremities 
can be caused by a variety of physical problems, so it is not by itself a test 
for lupus. If your fingers turn white when cold, and bright red when warmed, 
you may have Raynaud's syndrome, or Raynaud's and lupus together.

Dry Eyes and Dry Mouth. This symptom occurs in about ten percent of lupus 
patients, and sometimes means that your lupus is involved in the glands that 
produce saliva and tears. You may have Sjogren's syndrome, a different, usually 
quite mild disease that often accompanies lupus. Or, as with other symptoms, 
your dry eyes and mouth may be caused by something that has nothing to do with 

Confusion. Driving your car, you suddenly don't know where you are going, or 
how to navigate streets that in the past you knew well. Routine jobs you've 
done dozens of times become impossible to figure out. Usually your confusion is 
shortlived, but for some people it hangs around for a longer time. Some 
medications can clear up confusion, and others actually cause it. No wonder 
lupus patients need good doctors and lots of emotional support! If you have 
symptoms of confusion, you need someone to help think for you, so you don't 
make precipitons decisions, as Vera (Chapter 9) did, when suddenly she couldn't 
remember how to run the computer at work. She fled from her job out of fear and 
shame, instead of taking the sick leave she deserved. In a short time, her 
memory returned, but it was too late to get her job back.

Neurologists are finding other symptoms in addition to confusion, including 
inability to remember words, coordination difficulties, and headaches. These 
symptoms, now grouped together, are called neuropsychiatric lupus.

Pre-Menstrual Flares. Whatever your lupus symptoms, you will probably notice 
that premenstrual flares are common. Just before your period is due, your 
symptoms become worse. You'll learn to take special care of yourself, and not 
plan difficult or taxing activities at this time each month.

Those are the common symptoms of lupus. To know which symptoms apply to you, 
you need to be aware of your own body and what is going on with it. Perhaps in 
the past you were a person who took your body for granted. Most people do. From 
time to time they exercise, go on diets, or lie in the sun to get a good tan, 
but mostly they don't concern themselves with their bodies. If you have lupus, 
you must concern yourself with your body. Your life may depend on it.

No one has every symptom, and each of the symptoms, seen alone, can point to 
problems other than lupus. If you have three or four of these symptoms, or if 
any one of these symptoms is severe, you'll want a physician to order 
laboratory tests to help diagnose your illness.

A few people with lupus, especially those who are on steroids for treatment of 
other diseases, have such minor symptoms that they hardly even know they have 
the disease. Others feel very ill right from the beginning. In the past, the 
majority of lupus sufferers died within a few years, but today almost everyone 
with lupus can live out a full, active life. You can, too, especially if you 
and your physicians do a good job of taking care of you.

Probably you don't need urging to make an appointment with your physician. Even 
if in the past you've been the type to avoid doctors, this time you know from 
your level of pain, fatigue, and general distress that something is very wrong 
with you.

But when you get to the doctor's office, you may feel much better and your rash 
may have subsided, You may be a bit embarrassed that you are taking a 
physician's time with something that has already "gone away." On the other 
hand, you may be too exhausted and depressed to explain satisfactorily what you 
are experiencing. It may seem hard to speak convincingly about how much you 
hurt or how tired you are.

In order to give a complete report to your physician, reread the list of 
symptoms, and write down all of them that you have experienced, plus any others 
that are not listed. That way, you'll be able to present a clear picture of 
what has been going wrong with your body.

Although no one can cure your lupus, much can be done to alleviate your 
symptoms and prevent permanent damage to your vital organs. Remember, more and 
more studies and experiments are being undertaken to find new ways to treat 
systemic lupus erythematosus. In the future, who knows what new treatments or 
even cures will be available? If you and your physicians do everything possible 
for your health today, you'll be ready as the newer and better treatment 
methods arrive.

In the following chapter you will learn more about how physicians diagnose and 
treat systemic lupus erythematosus. You'll learn which medical specialists you 
need, and how to find them. You'll learn about medications, as well as 
complementary or "new age" medicine. In addition, you'll discover many simple, 
enjoyable, and effective methods for helping yourself.

You'll also get to know some lovely, exciting women and men, who report on how 
they have managed to live with lupus. Each person describes her particular 
symptoms, and her own unique methods of coping with problems at home and at 
work. They are members of lupus support groups, which meet regularly to share 
information about lupus, and have fun together.

Finding a Doctor and Getting a Diagnosis

First of all, let's assume that you have some symptoms of lupus, and are 
looking for a good physician. Perhaps you have a primary care physician. You 
may want to see this person for your first appointment, or you may have no 
choice for the first appointment. If you are hurting badly and have frightening 
symptoms, you don't want to dally around, looking for a new physician. It is 
understandable that you need someone right now. With luck, you have a primary 
care physician whom you like and find easy to talk with.

If not, make an appointment with a rheumatologist, because these doctors 
specialize in diagnosing and treating lupus. Remind yourself that you can 
choose a new physician at any stage of your treatment. More about that later.

Now you need to prepare for your appointment. In the old days, that meant only 
that you should take a bath and wear clean, nice underwear so that the doctor 
would think well of you. That was what your grandmother was told, when she was 
a child. In her world, her family doctor knew her entire family well, and made 
treatment decisions that everyone obeyed. In today's world, the practice of 
medicine is more technical and scientific - - actually, it is far better 
medicine - - but physicians are busier, may not know your family or you, and 
they definitely need your help.

You can do your part by gathering the necessary medical information ahead of 
time. Before your appointment, write down your family medical history, your 
medical history, a list of past and present medicines that have been prescribed 
for you, your current symptoms, and your questions about your symptoms. Use 
four sheets of paper.

On the first sheet, write the significant diseases that members of your family 
had. If you don't know what is significant, put down all the diseases you 
remember. Include on the list the causes of death of your grandparents, 
parents, aunts and uncles, and brothers and sisters.

On the second sheet of paper, write your own medical history. Write the names 
of all illnesses and all surgeries you have had, with approximate dates, as 
well as the names and phone numbers of physicians you have seen recently. If 
you are allergic to any medicine, don't forget to list it, too! List each 
medicine you are currently taking, the dosage, and how long you have been 
taking it. Also list medicines that you have taken during the past year or two, 
and are no longer taking If you are uncertain of the names of these medicines, 
put all your medicines in a bag and bring them with you.

On the third page, list the symptoms that you have experienced during the past 
month. Re-read the symptoms listed in the first chapter of this book, to help 
you remember, and be sure to write down any symptoms that are not on that list. 
Underline the symptoms that led you to make this appointment, the ones that are 
especially troublesome or painful.

The fourth sheet of paper, which you need for every visit no matter how often 
you see a physician, is your list of questions. Always, keep a written list of 
questions that you want to discuss with your physician. Otherwise, during a 
brief, hurried appointment, you may forget them.

Now that you have the information your physician will seek, plus your own 
questions, you need to put yourself in the right frame of mind. Some people are 
afraid of doctors because of past experiences, or because their parents were 
afraid. Some go into a doctor's office as if they are peasants being brought 
before the King or Queen. It is important that you maintain your self-esteem 
and dignity. Ignorance and poor self-esteem lead to poor treatment and, 
therefore, a worsening of your symptoms.

Tell yourself, as you walk into the office, "I am not a little child. I am a 
competent adult." You are not in a physician's office to please the physician, 
or to prove that you are sweet, lovable, respectful, or brave. Remind yourself 
that the physician is neither your parent nor your god. You don't have to prove 
that you are ill. You already know that fact. You are there for the physician 
to use her* expertise to diagnose your illness correctly and begin treatment. 
You are there to get relief from your symptoms.

You are keeping an appointment with a physician in order to receive expert help 
for your body. It is similar to seeking expert help for your home, if the roof 
leaks or there is a strange odor under the house. Whether you are hiring 
someone to repair your body or your home, you are in charge. You are talking to 
a doctor who is your employee, not your judge. And you will decide whether to 
continue to hire this person or seek another physician.

Someone in the physician's office will ask for your family history and your 
personal medical history, and, of course, what is troubling you that led you to 
make this appointment. You will take out your notes, and begin.

(If, after you have been seen by your doctor, she merely suggests 'rest and 
aspirin," find another doctor immediately. Even today there are physicians who 
overlook the disease of lupus, or the seriousness of the disease. They still 
believe that their patients are depressed or hypochondriacal. These doctors 
should be avoided like the plague!)

Your physician will conduct a physical examination. In addition to the usual 
physical examination you've had lots of times, this physician will pay special 
attention to the areas of your complaint. She will be checking for signs of 
lupus. She will look for oral ulcers, which have the appearance of cold sores 
and are caused by inflamation. To give an example of the contradictoriness of 
lupus symptoms: some patients have oral ulcers so small that physicians can't 
see them, but they hurt so much that patients know exactly where they are; 
other patients have large, painless ulcers they didn't know existed

The doctor will palpate for tenderness around joints and areas of suspected 
inflammation. Your legs will be checked for signs of swelling. The doctor will 
examine your rashes, and order a biopsy if there are welts. Some lupus patients 
have serositis, which is an inflammation of the linings of heart, lungs, or 
intestines. The physician will listen through a stethoscope placed on your 
chest, for abnormal sounds such as those made by fluid, rubs (friction), or 

After the physical examination, your physician will order lab tests, and 
prescribe medication for relief of your symptoms. There is no reason for you to 
keep on hurting. You do not need the results of tests to be given medication 
for symptomatic relief.

Laboratory work is necessary for diagnosis; lupus is well known for mimicking 
other diseases, so you may seem to have lupus when in fact you have something 
else. You need tests that are specifically designed to find the lupus 
autoantibodies, as well as tests that will specifically rule out rheumatoid 
arthritis, MDS, Lyme's disease, leukemia and lymphoma, neurologic disorders, 
tuberculosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other diseases.

You may be hospitalized for the laboratory work or you may he able to have the 
work done as an outpatient, depending on the seventy of your symptoms.

Perhaps your doctor prefers not to order these tests but instead immediately 
refers you to a specialist: an internist, dermatologist, nephrologist, 
rheumatologist, neurologist, or cardiologist, depending on your symptoms. The 
specialist will order these tests.

A complete blood count is necessary. You've had this test before, because it is 
given as part of mass annual physical exams. This time, the physician is on the 
alert for a low white blood cell count, low red blood cell count, or a lower 
than normal level of platelets. A low red count will show that you are anemic, 
and the cause might be lupus. About half of all lupus patients have a low white 
count and/or low platelets; which indicates a chronic, active disease.

Blood chemistry tests, which differ from the complete blood count, will be 
ordered to assess liver and kidney function, nutritional adequacy, and the 
presence or absence of infection.

ANA (antinuclear antibody test) is performed on serum from your blood. It is an 
important test for diagnosing lupus. The titer (strength) of the ANA gives an 
indication of the severity of the patient's disease, as it shows the presence 
of antinuclear antibodies in the bloodstream. Not all positive ANA tests 
indicate autoimmune disease; in fact, some perfectly healthy people have a 
positive ANA. If your ANA is positive and they suspect lupus, more specific 
autoantibody tests will be performed, such as Anti-Smith, anti-DS DNA to 
predict which organ systems may become endangered from your lupus.

A urinalysis will be ordered, to check for diabetes as well as to look for the 
presence of protein, or red or white blood cells in the urine, all of which are 
signs of impairment of the kidneys. To diagnose lupus nephritis (kidney 
disorder), the physician will do a urinalysis, including an analysis of a 
twenty-four hour urine collection, blood studies, and perhaps an X-ray to 
determine the size and shape of your kidneys. Sometimes a biopsy is needed to 
assess the extent and severity of kidney disease.

You will be given a serologic test for syphilis. For some reason, a false 
positive result on this test is an almost sure sign of lupus. A false positive 
result means that the test says you have syphilis, but you don't have it. On 
the other hand, you can have a negative result and still have lupus.

Because lyme disease and systemic lupus erythematosus have very similar 
symptoms, it's a good idea to run the lyme titer test, Unfortunately, some 
lupus patients get a false positive result, so a follow-up blood test, called 
Western Bloc, will have to be ordered.

If the results of any of these tests indicate the possible presence of lupus, 
other tests may he ordered, such as complement level, sedimentation rates, and 
tests that have names like addresses on E-mail: IMMOO6.JPG, IMMOO7.JKPG, 
IMMOlO.JPG, etc.

In 1982 the American College of Rheumatology issued the criteria for 
establishing a diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Officially, to be 
diagnosed with SLE a patient must have four of the following eleven criteria, 
though not necessarily at the same time:

   1. Butterfly (Malar) rash
   2. Discoid lesions, the reddish, raised patches that leave scars. If this is 
the only symptom, the diagnosis is discoid lupus rather than SLE.
   3. Photosensitivity, specifically, a rash following exposure to sunlight.
   4. Ulcerative sores in the mouth.
   5. Arthritis with joint pain, tenderness, and swelling.
   6. Evidence of either pleuritis or pericarditis: inflammation of the 
membranes lining the chest cavity or surrounding the heart.
   7. Evidence of renal or kidney disorder.
   8. Signs of a neurologic disorder: seizures, psychosis, or acute loss of 
memory, occurring without any other explanation such as drug toxicity or injury.
   9. Hematologic abnormalities: specific deficits in various types of blood 
  10. Immunologic disorders: false-positive reaction to the test for syphilis, 
positive LE cell test, presence of anti-DNA or anti-SM antibodies. Any one of 
these constitutes an immunologic disorder.
  11. Abnormal level of antinuclear antibodies.

To prepare for your second medical visit, in which you will learn the results 
of your laboratory work, you should update your list of symptoms and include 
changes you've experienced in the symptoms, reactions to the medicines you were 
given, and all of your questions. You should be feeling much better, because at 
your first visit your doctor will have prescribed medication for the relief of 
your symptoms.

When you are faced with a potentially serious disease, or when you are feeling 
very ill, it's hard to concentrate on what a physician is saying. For that 
reason, it is a good idea to take a friend with you for this important second 
visit, so that both of you can understand what is being said. It is also a good 
idea to bring a tape recorder. The two, a friend and a tape recorder, can prove 
to be invaluable.

Your physician will want to know if your medication has been effective, and if 
you have had any side effects. She'll tell you the results of your laboratory 
tests. Perhaps she will order more tests.

Do not pretend to understand your doctor when she uses words that are 
unfamiliar to you. Ask her what these new words mean. Ask her to use words that 
you understand. Do not let yourself be intimidated by your own lack of 
knowledge or your fears of doctors or diseases. If you don't have a tape 
recorder, write down the laboratory results and the physician's explanation of 
them. Ask, "And how would I look this up at the library?" Explain that you want 
to read about your illness. Ask, "Does everyone call this medicine and this 
disease by these names, or are there other names that lay persons use?" It is 
important that your physician listen to you, believe you, and address each of 
your concerns.

If your doctor cannot establish a diagnosis of lupus according to the accepted 
eleven criteria, she may continue your medication and simply wait to see what 
develops. She may say you have "a connective tissue disorder," which is a very 
general term for what way or may not be lupus. That is, of course, frustrating 
for you, but often symptoms do not point clearly to a diagnosis. Although it is 
natural to want immediate answers, sometimes they aren't forthcoming, because 
the tests are not always definitive.

Physicians don't want to label your illness prematurely, treat you for an 
illness you don't have, or subject you to a false diagnosis that may remain 
attached to your medical record forever.

Whatever your diagnosis, you may choose to get a second opinion. If your 
physician is not a specialist in lupus, ask for a consultation with a 

Your local lupus society has a list of physicians who specialize in the 
treatment of lupus. Get the list, and then ask health professionals in your 
area, such as nurses or medical social workers, "What doctor would you want for 
your loved ones, if one of them had the symptoms I have?"

You want a rheumatologist to go over the test results, because rheumatologists 
specialize in treating patients with lupus. Afterwards, you may continue with 
that specialist, or seek a different one. If you have severe kidney 
involvement, you will be referred to a nephrologist, In addition, you may need 
to see other physicians for specific problems. With neurological disorders 
you'll be referred to a psychiatrist or neurologist. If you have mouth or jaw 
pain, see a dentist with experience in treating lupus, because lupus patients' 
jaws sometimes develop changes that cause great pain until treated by a dentist 
who knows about this problem.

A few lupus patients develop vasculitis, an inflamation of blood vessels. This 
can occur in your eyes, kidneys, brain, abdomen, and almost anywhere in your 
body. If you have eye problems, vasculitis, or are taking the drug Plaquenil 
you need to regularly consult an opthalmologist who can visualize "cotton wool 
spots" on the back of your eyes which are caused by vasculitis.

You have a right to the best medical care you can find physicians have chosen 
their vocation because they want to help people live well. They want to save 
lives. Basically, they care deeply about their patients' and they have spent 
hard years learning to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. With a 
chronic disease, you want to have confidence in your physician, and know that 
the two of you can work well together. It's going to be a long, difficult road, 
which is infinitely easier when you travel it with someone you trust.

In the following fourteen chapters, women and men with lupus tell their own 
unique stories of their struggles with both the symptoms and the disease itself.

* In the past almost all physicians were men. Male pronouns were used when 
referring non-specifically to men or women. Now many physicians are female, and 
in this book female pronouns will be used to designate male and female 

Apa Penyakit Lupus Itu?
* Bukan Penyakit Keturunan

Seabad lalu, penyebab penyakit ini diperkirakan adalah karena faktor keturunan, 
selain faktor  hormon dan lingkungan (seperti stres, sinar matahari, infeksi, 
makanan dan obat-obatan). Namun, kini disimpulkan para ahli bahwa penyebab dari 
penyakit Lupus adalah bukan merupakan penyakit keturunan!

Penyakit Lupus tidak diturunkan, hanya 5-10% pasien Lupus yang diturunkan dalam 
keluarga. Sebagian besar (90%) pasien Lupus tidak mempunyai saudara ataupun 
orangtua yang juga sakit Lupus.
Lebih Banyak Dialami Perempuan

Penyakit Lupus menyerang hampir 90% perempuan. Kini tercatat kurang lebih 
sekitar 5 juta pasien Lupus tersebar di seluruh dunia dan setiap tahunnya 
bertambah sebanyak 100.000 pasien baru.

Data di Amerika menunjukkan angka kejadian penyakit Lupus Ras Asia lebih tinggi 
dibandingkan ras Kaukasia.  Di Indonesia jumlah penderita Lupus yang tercatat 
sebagai anggota YLI 789 orang, tetapi bila kita melakukan pendataan lebih 
seksama jumlah pasien Lupus di Indonesia akan lebih besar dari Amerika ( 
1.500.000 orang).

Siapa saja yang bisa terserang Lupus? Lupus seringkali disebut  “ penyakit 
wanita “ meskipun faktanya laki- laki juga ada yang terkena.   Lupus dapat 
diturunkan pada semua umur, namun sebagian besar pasien ditemukan pada 
perempuan usia produktif.  Sembilan dari 10 orang dengan Lupus (Odapus) adalah  
wanita. Alasan mengapa Lupus lebih banyak menyerang kaum perempuan produktif?  
Hingga saat ini belum diketahui pasti apa penyebabnya.  Jumlah terbesar 
penderitanya dialami oleh perempuan di usia belasan tahun (yang sudah 
mendapatkan menstruasi)

Selain itu penyakit Lupus juga berhubungan dengan “hormon estrogen” yang banyak 
di produksi oleh perempuan. Tapi, secara pasti, penyakit Lupus ini (jarang) 
ditemukan pada anak-anak usia balita atau wanita menopouse.  Pada perempuan 
usia subur dengan laki-laki perbandingannya adalah : 10 : 1 dan perbandingan 
ini akan mengecil pada kelompok perempuan usia menopuse.

Karena dialami oleh perempuan di usia subur, penyakit Lupus ini dapat menganggu 
kehamilan (terjadinya abortus, gangguan perkembangan janin/bayi mati sebelum 
dilahirkan). Terdapat peningkatan risiko dari aktivitas penyakit selama  3 atau 
4 minggu setelah kehamilan.. Ada pula penyakit Lupus yang baru dijumpai pada 
saat kehamilan atau setelah melahirkan. Tetapi hal ini bukan berarti kaum 
perempuan harus ketakutan untuk mendapatkan keturunan.  Kesuburan perempuan 
dengan Lupus tidak berpengaruh edngan penyakitnya. Data YLI menyebutkan banyak 
Odapus yang bisa memperoleh keturunan dengan keadaan bayi dalam kondisi sehat.

Bagi kaum perempuan yang mengalami Lupus diperbolehkan untuk hamil, memperoleh 
keturunan, di bawah pengawasan dokter secara penuh. Para dokter umumnya akan 
menganjurkan bagi pasien Lupus yang berat, apabila sudah memiliki anak 
sebaiknya tidak memiliki anak lagi selama masa kehamilan harus selalu kontrol 
secara teratur ke dokter ahli pemerhati Lupus untuk Lupusnya dan dokter 
kandungan untuk kehamilannya.
Masih Misterius

Penyakit Lupus sampai sekarang ini masih misterius.  Walaupun penyakit ini 
sudah terdeteksi selama 150 tahun lebih tapi hingga kini belum diketahui secara 
pasti apa penyebabnya dan cara penyembuhan secara tuntas. Selama ini upaya yang 
dilakukan para tim medis  – hanya sebatas untuk menekan – mengurangi gejala 
lupus . Bahkan rumah sakit yang khusus menangani penyakit ini belum tersedia- 
masih sebatas rumah sakit atas rujukan dokter setempat. Sehingga Lupus dianggap 
sebagai penyakit autoimmune disease yang paling menonjol beberapa tahun 
belakangan ini.
Definisi Lupus

Lupus adalah penyakit kronik  / menahun, merupakan penyakit daya tahan tubuh 
atau disebut penyakit “autoimun” artinya kekebalan / perlindungan (immune) 
terhadap jaringan tubuh sendiri ( auto ). Pada manusia normal, sistim kekebalan 
tubuh akan membuat antibodi yang berfungsi untuk melindungi tubuh dari berbagai 
macam virus, kuman, atau bakteri dan benda – benda asing lainnya.Benda – benda 
asing ini disebut antigen. Pada penyakit autoimune seperti Lupus, sisitim 
kekebalan kehilangan kemampuan untuk melihat perbedaan antara substansi asing 
dengan sel dan jaringan tubuh sendiri. Pada Lupus produksi  antibodi ini 
terlalu berlebihan.  Sayangnya saking berlebihan antibodi ini tidak “menyerang” 
pada “kuman atau musuhnya” tetapi justru “menyerang” sistim kekebalan sel dan 
jaringan tubuh sendiri. Antibodi seperti ini disebut “auto-antibodi” bereaksi 
dengan antigen “sendiri” membentuk kompleks imun .Kompleks imun yang terdapat 
dalam jaringan  dapat menyebabkan peradangan, luka pada jaringanan rasa sakit. 
Sistim kekebalan ini tidak mengenal mana teman mana lawan,.

Lupus dikatakan “great imitator”(peniru yang ulung) / “mimikri” (menyerupai 
penyakit lain), bukan satu jenis penyakit, amat heterogen. Gejala Lupus dapat 
terjadi dari ringan sampai berat. Gejala pada sebagian Odapus cukup ringan. 
Sedangkan bagi yang lainnya, lupus bisa menjadi masalah serius dan dapat 
berakibat fatal  bahkan mengancam kelangsungan hidupnya
Penyebab Penyakit Lupus

Penyebab munculnya penyakit Lupus ini hingga kini masih belum diketahui secara 
pasti “apa penyebab”nya.  Namun yang pasti gejala – gejala umum dari penyakit 
lupus ini bervariasi, mulai dari gejala yang ringan (hanya mengenai bagian 
kulit dan persendian) sampai pada gejala serius yang dapat mengancam jiwa 
manusia jika lupus menyerang organ vital. Karena itu kenalilah semenjak dini 
bila anda merasakan adanya keluhan dari gejala – gejala umum yang terdapat 
penyakit lupus.

Perlu diingat bahwa Lupus adalah “Bukan” penyakit menular, bukan penyakit AIDS, 
bukan penyakit kelamin serta bukan penyakit kanker. Lupus adalah penyakit 
kelainan antibodi .

Pada penyakit Lupus :

n Sistem kekebalan tubuh (zat antibodi-nya) justru menyerang diri sendiri dan 
menjadi perusak sehingga menimbulkan gejala Lupus. Dengan kata lain, penyakit 
Lupus ini disebut sebagai autoimun = sistem kekebalan tubuh tidak mengenal mana 
teman atau lawan. ( Kelebihan antibodi)

    * Bukan jenis penyakit virus, kuman atau bakteri.
    * Faktor penyebab munculnya gejala Lupus hingga kini belum diketahui dengan 
    * Lebih banyak perempuan dibandingkan dengan laki-laki.
    * Sebagian besar ditemukan pada perempuan usia produktif.
    * Apabila terjadi infeksi, masih bisa diobati.
    * Bukan jenis penyakit menular.

Jenis-Jenis Penyakit Lupus

Jenis-jenis penyakit Lupus ada 3 yaitu :

1.  Discoid Lupus – organ tubuh yang terkena hanya bagian kulit!

Dapat dikenali dari ruam yang muncul dimuka, leher dan kulit kepala, ruam di 
sekujur        tubuh, berwarna kemerahan, bersisik, kadang gatal. Pada Lupus 
jenis ini dapat didiagnosa dengan menguji biopsi dari ruam. Pada discoid lupus 
hasil biopsi akan terlihat ketidak normalan yang ditemukan pada kulit tanpa 
ruam. Dan, jenis ini pada umumnya tidak melibatkan organ-organ tubuh bagian 
dalam. Oleh karena itu, tes ANA (pemeriksaan darah yang digunakan untuk 
mengetahui keberadaan sistemik lupus – hasilnya bisa saja bersifat negatif pada 
pasien pengidap discoid lupus. Akan tetapi pada sebagian besar pasien dengan 
jenis discoid lupus – hasil pemeriksaan ANA-nya positif, tetapi masih dalam 
tingkatan atau titer yang  rendah.

10% pasien Discoid dapat menjadi SLE.

2.  Drug-Induced Lupus – lupus yang timbul akibat efek samping obat.

Pada lupus jenis ini baru muncul setelah odapus menggunakan jenis obat tertentu 
dalam jangka waktu yang panjang. Ada 38 jenis obat yang dapat menyebabkan Drug 
Induced. Salah satu contoh faktor yang mempengaruhi DIL adalah akibat 
penggunaan obat-obatan hydralazine( untuk mengobati darah tinggi ) dan 
procainamide ( untuk mengobati detak jantung yang tidak teratur ). Tapi tidak 
semua penderita yang menggunakan obat-obatan ini akan berkembang menjadi drug 
induced Lupus, hanya sekitar 4% orang-orang yang menggunakan obat-obatan 
tersebut yang akan berkembang menjadi drug induced dan gejala akan mereda 
apabila obat-obatan tersebut dihentikan.Gejala dari drug-induced lupus (DIL) 
serupa dengan sistemik lupus. Umumnya gejala akan hilang dalam jangka waktu 6 
bulan setelah obat dihentikan. Pemeriksaan Tes AntiNuclear Antibody ( ANA ) 
dapat tetap positif.

3. Sistemic Lupus Erythematosus.

Lupus ini lebih berat dibandingkan dengan discoid lupus – karena gejalanya 
menyerang banyak organ tubuh atau sistim tubuh pasien Lupus.  Pada sebagian 
orang hanya kulit dan sendinya saja yang terkena , akan tetapi pada sebagian 
pasien lupus lainnya menyerang organ vital organ:  Jantung – Paru, Ginjal, 
Syaraf, Otak.

Namun perlu dicatat : Umumnya tidak ditemukan adanya dua orang odapus terkena 
Sistemik lupus dengan gejala yang persis sama.

Lupus sistemik bisa masuk periode  dimana, jika ada, gejalanya membaik 
(remisi), dan dilain waktu penyakit dapat menjadi lebih aktif ( flare up 
).Gejala dari yang paling ringan sampai yang paling berat.
Faktor Penyebab Lupus

Faktor penyebab terserangnya seseorang terhadap penyakit Lupus hingga kini 
belum diketahui, tetapi pengaruh lingkungan dan faktor genetik, hormon diduga 
sebagai penyebabnya.

Faktor Genetik : Tidak diketahui gen atau gen – gen apa yang menjadi penyebab 
penyakit tersebut, 10% dalam keluarga Lupus mempunyai keluarga dekat ( orang 
tua atau kaka adik ) yang juga menderita lupus, 5% bayi yang dilahirkan dari 
penderita lupus terkena lupus juga, bila kembar identik, kemungkinan yang 
terkena Lupus hanya salah satu dari kembar tersebut.

Faktor lingkungan sangat berperan sebagai pemicu Lupus, misalnya : infeksi, 
stress, makanan,  antibiotik (khususnya kelompok sulfa dan penisilin), cahaya 
ultra violet (matahari) dan penggunaan obat – obat tertentu.

Faktor hormon, dapat menjelaskan mengapa kaum perempuan lebih sering terkena 
penyakit lupus dibandingkan dengan laki-laki.  Meningkatnya angka pertumbuhan 
penyakit Lupus sebelum periode menstruasi atau selama masa kehamilan mendukung 
keyakinan bahwa hormon, khususnya ekstrogen menjadi penyebab pencetus penyakit 
Lupus. Akan tetapi  hingga kini belum diketahui jenis hormon apa yang menjadi 
penyebab besarnya prevalensi lupus pada perempuan pada periode tertentu yang 
menyebabkan meningkatnya gejala Lupus masih belum diketahui.

Lupus sering kali disebut sebagai “penyakit perempuan”, meskipun faktanya ada 
juga  laki-laki yang terkena Lupus.  Lupus dapat terjadi pada semua usia anak, 

Walaupun terjadinya penyakit Lupus10-15 kali lebih banyak terjadi pada 
perempuan usia produktif dibandingkan dengan laki-laki.  Gejala penyakit Lupus 
pada perempuan dan laki-laki pada umumnya adalah sama. Tetapi risiko timbulnya 
Lupus pada perempuan dewasa usia subur 8 kali lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan 
dengan laki-laki dewasa.  Beberapa data menunjukkan insiden penyakit Lupus ras 
Asia lebih tinggi dibandingkan ras Kaukasia.

Faktor sinar matahari adalah salah satu kondisi yang dapat memperburuk gejala 
Lupus. Diduga oleh para dokter bahwa sinar matahari memiliki banyak ekstrogen 
sehingga mempermudah terjadinya reaksi autoimmune.  Tetapi bukan berarti bahwa 
penderita hanya bisa keluar pada malam hari. Pasien Lupus bisa saja keluar 
rumah sebelum pukul 09.00 atau sesudah pukul 16.00 dan disarankan agar memakai 
krim pelindung dari sengatan matahari.  Teriknya sinar matahari di negara 
tropis seperti Indonesia, merupakan faktor pencetus kekambuhan bagi para pasien 
yang peka terhadap sinar matahari dapat menimbulkan bercak-bercak kemerahan di 
bagian muka.kepekaan terhadap sinar matahari (photosensitivity) sebagai reaksi 
kulit yang tidak normal terhadap sinar matahari.

Empat puluh hingga 60% pasien SLE adalah rentan terhadap photosensitive. 
Terkena cahaya matahari secara berlebihan diperkirakan sebagai faktor pemicu 
serangan dari penyakit SLE dan memperburuk cutaneous (discoid) lupus.

Pasien Lupus, harus menyadari bahwa sinar matahari adalah “musuh” bagi mereka. 
Gaya hidup yang sensitif akan memperkecil tekena dari sengatan sinar UV yang 
berlebihan. Aktivitas di luar gedung sebaiknya diselesaikan sebelum jam 10 pagi 
dan setelah jam 2 siang – saat cahaya UV kurang begitu menyengat. Pasien Lupus 
sebaiknya tidak berjemur atau berpanas-panas dan tidak membuat kulitnya menjadi 
coklat terbakar sinar matahari.

Karena itu gunakan pelindungmatahari yang dapat menghambat cahaya matahari 
(sunblock) dan yang menahancahaya matahari (sunscreens).  Penghambatcahaya 
matahari (sunblock) .


Care For Lupus, Your Craing saves Lives

Semoga membantu.
Donny Harimurti
Note Mod:
Saya merubah ke link yg lebih informative lengkap dg berbagai kendala lupus 
dibandingkan yg di postkan oleh Hari yg disadurkan dari Care For Lupus, Your 
Craing saves Lives. Sallam,

-----Original Message-----
From: dokter_umum@yahoogroups.com [mailto:dokter_u...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Yenny Meiliany
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 11:40 AM
To: dokter_umum@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Dokter Umum] PENYAKIT LUPUS


Selamat pagi rekan rekan sekalian..

Saya ingin menanyakan mengenai penyakit lupus.. apa itu penyakit
apakah bisa disembuhkan? Jika bisa, obat apa yg dapat dikonsumsi agar

Terima kasih.


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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