
> In older version (1.6 etc) a namespace context was created by walking
> the element hierarchy and picking the namespaces that were defined in
> the element that is the context of the xpath statement

I do not see this in 1.6.1 but I think it would not be enough if it is
there. The xpath expression could be of any complexity and could try to
select nodes in all other branches of the document and in deeper of the
actual with own namespace declarations, too. And this branches have
other namespace declarations and maybe the prefixes would be the same
with other URIs or there are default namespaces without prefixes, that
need to be changed (added with prefix).

There is no method to get all namespaces that are defined in the
document. So this is what I have added. In many cases it would be enough
to add namespaces unchanged to the xpath expression. But in the
situations above it is needed to change prefixes of some namespace
definitions that should be added to the context and this is done, too.
The xpath need to use this new prefixes - there is no code in the moment
to automatically change some pathes, because this might be extreme
complex. Again the xpath could be of any complexity.

As an example try come xpathes with this xml:

<OOO xmlns="http://zvon.org/xnumber";
xmlns:lower="http://zvon.org/lowercase"; ooo="222">
    <lower:BBB xmlns:lower="http://zvon.org/uppercase";>
      <sss xmlns:lower="http://zvon.org/xnumber";>
  <aaa xmlns="http://zvon.org/uppercase";>
    <BBB xmlns:upper="http://zvon.org/uppercase"; upper:U="A" U="A"
  <aaa xmlns="http://zvon.org/lowercase";>
    <upper:BBB xmlns:upper="http://zvon.org/uppercase";

Viele Grüße / best regards

Marc Pellmann (Software Architect)

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