Hey, Tom,

It's good to know there's another Georgian on the list.  And you're right, 
the south does seem to get left out when it comes to concert schedules.

You're up there in north Ga., while I'm here in South Ga., near Waycross.  
Down here, all you here is country music.  I'm the oddball here at work 
because I listen to rock 'n roll.  I doubt some of my co-workers even know 
who the Doobie Brothers are.  It's their loss. I've been on the list about 2 
months, and have enjoyed it.  I post sometimes, and have posted more lately. 
I envy all of you out there who have seen them live.  I haven't, but 
hopefully, one day, that will change.

Keep on Rockin'


>Subject: Re: Doobies & Little Feat CD's on sale
>Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 08:30:15 EDT
>Hi Glenda,
>This is Tom Carlysle in Tucker, GA (NE side of Atlanta) and I wanted to say 
>thanks for posting that info about the CD's. I have been in this club for 4 
>years, but am sorry to say I have not seen the band perform since 1999 at 
>Chastain Park. I saw then numerous times from 97-99, but have hit a dry 
>spell lately. I was out of town when they played Atlanta last year and 
>there are no dates for us yet in 2001.
>I have met a few other members in the Atlanta area over the years and am 
>always glad to see there are more of us around. Sometimes it is easy to 
>feel forgotten down here in the south as so many things happen out on the 
>west coast and then up in the northeast. I went to a convention in Atlantic 
>City in 97 and had a great time.
>Lets hope we see a Doobie show listed for Atlanta sometime this year!
>Take care and keep on rockin' down the highway.
>Tom C.

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