Sorry to put this on here, but I gotta talk.  
We're  minimal flood damage, Thank God.  But Houston is a disaster area with alot of 
it still under water. power down in alot of areas.  (we just got our phone/commputer 
back) Even some of the hospitals are closed. My husband schlepped home from his 
business trip in Denver, exhausted yesterday after a re-routed flight and a rental car 
drive from San Antonio. Thank God again!  I can't tell yall how bad it is cuz you'd 
just have to see it.  Lotsa homeless people in shelters needing food, clothes and 
other items.  Hospitals, the ones that are open, need blood because the blood they had 
went bad when the power went out.  Volunteers are needed.  If you would like to help, 
call (713)526-3800.  This is the phone # for our local Red Cross.  Katy was one of the 
few areas minimally affected but I can tell you, Allison was a very bad girl.  We're 
still not out of the woods yet and the swirl out in the Gulf threatens to become 
something else again.  The airports are open again which is go!
d news and Lord-willing, our flight to LA will continue as planned.
"Cold wind blows and the rivers rise.  Let the muddy waters slide.  Think it's time to 
head for higher ground."
I'll be singin that song for a while.

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