On Sunday 26 Jul 2009, Peter Merchant wrote:
> which do you use?
> http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/10things/?p=895

I *used*  to use KBackup, (no 10 in the list) and was perfectly happy with it.  
However, your post prompted me to go and look and I found that I hadn't been 
using *anything* since the Kubuntu 9.04 update, because KBackup is no longer 
in the Repository.  I had regular backups scheduled and hadn't noticed that 
they weren't running (my excuse is that I've been away a lot since April).

My major disappointment with 9.04 with respect to this topic, is that there 
are actually very few of the solutions listed in the review in the Repository.  
Simple Backup Solution is there, has anyone used this?  The review says that 
there is no restore solution.  I've always felt that I needed an easy way to 
restore a backup, because the last thing anyone wants to do in the midst of a 
disaster is to try to mug up on *how* to get their files back.

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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