
Sorry about the OT, but the FSF have had a campaign against DRM in general for 
quite some time, hosted at their website http://www.defectivebydesign.org.  
Their latest focus has been against Amazon for their stupid removal of copies 
of books from Kindle devices *after* the users had bought them from an Amazon 
partner.  As a stroke of irony, one of the books was 1984!  The reason given 
was that the book copyright was owned by some organisation other than the 

Anyway, this is a US problem really, because the Kindle is not yet available 
in Europe and also because 1984 has been out of copyright in Europe and most 
other territories for a few years now.  However, I suspect that wouldn't have 
stopped them if there had been any UK owners.  Amazon plan to launch Kindle in 
Europe later this year.

The point of the campaign is that the use of DRM and other technologies 
allowed Amazon to do this.  I have been an opponent of DRM on principle for 
some time, plus I was considering buying a Kindle when it came out (not any 
more).   So if you think that DRM is wrong and/or you abhor Amazon's action, 
please consider signing the petition at 

BTW, I am aware that the Sony and other book readers also use DRM to 'protect' 
'content', even that which has been in the public domain for years, so 
personally I wish this campaign was targeted at all book readers that use DRM.  
The music industry has begun to realise that DRM is a liability rather than an 
asset, so it's time that the eBook industry followed, their (very overdue) 

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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