Hi Clive,

> >     SANE_DEBUG_GENESYS=255 scanimage >lide50.pnm 2>lide50.log
> Tried the 'sane_debug....' line; results: lide50.pnm = 0bytes:
> lide50.log = 'Error: Invalid argument', no other info listed.

And that's with the case exactly as given?  E.g. SANE_DEBUG_...  Odd.

> To me that means some operating script is giving the wrong info when
> trying to scan.

Yeah, EINVAL, "Invalid argument", is one of the possible return values
from various system calls;  a call to the kernel from a userspace

OK, try

    sudo strace -v -s 256 -ttt -f -o lide50.st scanimage >lide50.pnm 

Presumably, lide50.err will just have the EINVAL error of before.  But
lide50.st should have tons of stuff.  Too big to post to the list.  Can
you either compress and attach it to an email to me, e.g.

    bzip2 lide50.st

and then attach lide50.st.bz2, or find somewhere to post it online.



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