
My daughter has become a victim of the Great Exeter Uni Network Outage 
initially because everyone was cut off, then because she was banned from the 
network because she has Vista.  While trying to follow the Exeter IT 
Department's instructions to prove that her machine was safe she stumbled 
across another problem.

I went down to try to help her sort it out today and the problem seems to be 
that although her computer installation meets the requirements specified as 
'safe', she cannot complete a virus scan because the whole machine freezes 
when scanning a particular folder.  After several (happy?) hours trying to 
work out what was causing this, I decided to reinstall Vista.  That's when the 
trouble started.

Unlike XP, Vista doesn't allow the Users folders to be re-targeted to another 
partition.  I set one up for her anyway, but she never used it because 'My 
Documents' always points at the folder on the C: drive.  This means that if I 
re-install Vista she will lose the 29 GB of data in her Users folder, so I 
decided to back it up by copying it to the spare partition.  The trouble is 
that Winblows won't do it!!!!  I tried dragging the folder and it claims that 
there is only 985 MB, goes into sleep mode and I eventually have to cancel.  
When I look she's got about 2.9 of her Gigs ;-(

I then hit on the idea of copying in Linux (she has Kubuntu 9.10 on another 
partition.  I started it off, but was having quite a few problems with Dolphin 
too, so I tried cp in a shell.  I then had to cancel because I ran out of time 
(last ParknRide bus).

Before I kick it off again can someone confirm that I'm using the right 
incantation?  I used cp -rp  source destination.

See.  Not really Off Topic.

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-02-03 20:00
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