Look in /boot/grub/grub.conf (I think)
Change the file to reflect the new kernel images!
Or sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc might do it

2010/1/24 Terry Coles <d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk>:
> Well.  I'm nearly there (I hope).  Microsoft were true to their reputation to
> the bitter end and the fix that I discovered earlier (Restore Points) didn't
> work out.  I had a running system, but Windows Update wouldn't work.....
> Fortunately, Dell provides an excellent 'Restore to Factory Defaults' feature
> which uses a Recovery Partition to allow the machine to return to the state
> when we got it.  One happy afternoon of Windows Updates and reinstalling
> software later, I think I have a working Vista installation.
> Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, the Linux installation got broke.  I
> don't think it was Microsoft's fault this time; it seemed to happen when I
> upgraded Kubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10.  The problem is that the upgrade worked
> fine; I simply can't boot into it because the boot menu still lists the old
> kernel images (2.6.28-13, instead of 2.6.31-17).
> I burnt Super Grub Disk and following the instructions in last month's Linux
> Format, was able to boot into a working 9.10.  But it won't work from the boot
> menu. ;-(
> Still following Linux Format, I typed:
> sudo update-grub
> followed by:
> sudo grub-install /dev/sda
> which all seemed to work fine, but made no difference to the boot menu.
> This is a hybrid GRUB2 installation, because it was upgraded from a version of
> Kubuntu that uses old GRUB.
> Any ideas before I reinstall a clean version of 9.10?
> --
>                Terry Coles
>                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux
> --
> Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-02-03 20:00
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Dan Dart
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